"Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles, and the rulings he has given..." Psalm 105:4-5
"Remember, do not forget (fill in the blank)..."!
I can't tell you how many times I've said that to my husband, my children, my family, the class parents, my friends, and myself! I pen reminder notes, send them via e-mail, in newsletters and blogs, and sometimes I even resort to making phone calls or face to face meetings. I have 3 calendars, plus those put out by the various teams and organizations that have a hand in making our family schedule. All in an effort to remember to not forget something! In fact, right this minute I am remembering that I have forgotten to mail a check! Thank goodness for notes - when I checked, I saw that I had mailed it, a week before the deadline! Have you ever done that? Thought you forget, only to discover that you didn't!? It makes me wonder what kind of life I've gotten myself into when I forget that I remembered!
Forgetfulness is not a 21st Century problem! It goes back to the very beginning of human existence. In My One Word, Mike Ashcraft talks about the Israelites forgetting God's love for them as they wandered through the desert. It seems like a crazy thing to forget, considering the miracles that took place to get them out of Egypt, but it happened. And it happens to me all the time! I am acutely aware that I am a very forgetful person. I forget people's names right after they introduce themselves; I forget important birthdays; or where I hid gifts, documents, and that air freshener refill that I love and they only had 1 left! I forget to rely on God for what I need, to thank Him for all he has done and to enjoy the life he gives me. My forgetfulness can be so frustrating! So, I turned to 'the great big book of everything': the Bible.
I looked it up on Bible Gateway and the phrase "do not forget" (or some form of it) appears in 15 passages (NLT) from the books of Deuteronomy through Hebrews. These include commands to God's people and the promise that God does not forget. Okay, so I'm not the only one who is both using this phrase and in need of it. It is comforting to know it's not just me!
Then I searched the word "remember" and was overwhelmed by 267 passages (NLT)! I guess that settles it; humans need to be told to remember! It appears in 52 out of 66 books of the Bible! From Genesis to Revelation! If it was written down that many times, can you imagine how many times it was spoken?! Clearly, remembering is something we have to be reminded to do. So when we forget, because we will, we shouldn't throw in the towel. Pray and keep moving forward on the path to becoming the person God created us to be.
What are some ways you remember things? I'm sure you learned RoyGBiv to recall the colors of the rainbow, and Every Good Boy Does Fine (or similar phrase) and FACE to learn to read music. What about now, how do you remember important events, schedules, goals, and God's promises? How will you remember your One Word this year? What will you do to "Keep it in front of you", as Mike urges us in chapter 5 of My One Word. And how will you recall everything that happened throughout the year on your journey with your word? Mike has a suggestion for that, too: "write your guts out"! For more encouragement click here to read what Women of the ELCA says about journaling.
I am excited to read how you will keep your word present and engaging throughout the year! For those of you who leave a comment based on these questions, I will randomly choose one person to receive a pen and journal! I will choose and announce the winner on Wednesday, April 2nd!
What's Next?
Our next study will begin Friday, April 4th. Copies of the free booklet can be picked up from me or you can dowload it here. It is about finding your style of following God's lead!
Your Partner in Ministry,
Eph 6:10-18
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24