Friday, September 7, 2012

Devotions | Proverbs 31 Ministries

What a week...

It was a week of "First Day of School" in our home!  The youngest went first (on Tuesday), the first day of her last year of preschool; my oldest started her Junior year of high school on Wednesday; and finally, on Thursday, my middle child took his place as "top dog" as an 8th grader, his last year of middle school.  It's not been an easy week getting these children out of summer mode and into school mode.  We are usually better prepared, but this year our summer was short and busy, fall activities seemed to sneak up on us, and we just were not as prepared as usual for back-to-school.  It was "one of those weeks!", you know what I'm talking about.  But, even as I vented some frustrations, a friend reminded me that,
 "... things could be so much worse. We are blessed to have healthy kids with some quirks....".  That made me smile and brought me back from the "crazies".  I am truly blessed to have 3 healthy, quirky kids who challenge me and help me to remember what is really important in life.  It's at these times especially, when I think I'm going to lose my mind, that I go to God's Word looking for answers, support, wisdom, advice, anything to remind me of His Grace.  And I always find it!  It's there - God has children, he knows my frustrations, and more.  He gives great advice and sends people into our lives to remind us of it. 
For the second time this week, He spoke to me today about my busy life through others.  Click on this link to read some great advice from Lysa TerKeurst at Proverbs 31 Ministries, about staying sane when life is pulling you in so many directions.  It's perfect for this time of year, when school, sports, & activities are starting anew.
Devotions | Proverbs 31 Ministries

Speaking of starting anew... next Friday Re:A Small Group Experience for Women picks up where we left off last May in Women of the New Testament, by Phyllis J. LePeau, published by LifeGuide.  I am so excited to get started!! I can't wait to see everyone on Friday morning.  And for those of you following along on the blog: Welcome!  I can't wait to hear from you!  If you don't yet have a study guide, you can usually find it in your local Christian book store or order it on-line from Amazon,, or many other sites.  Each lesson stands on it's own, so don't worry if this is your first time - you haven't missed anything!   If you are new to our group, Bible study, or are just starting your faith journey - start where you are - God will meet you there through the study of His Word.

In the book, we will start with chapter 10, "Priscilla: A Partner in Leadership".  I realize this is the last chapter of the book, but I think it's a good place to start.  The lesson is based on Acts 18:1-4, 18-28. 

So, grab your favorite Bible, or borrow one, and get ready to curl up with a good book this week!

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  ~Proverbs 16:24

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