"The woman left her water jar beside the well and went back to the village and told everyone, "Come and meet a man who told me everything I ever did! Can this be the Messiah?" So the people came streaming from the village to see him." John 4:28-30
Did you ever slow down or stop reading a good book because you didn't want it to end? I have! I don't want to have to leave the world the author created or say good bye to characters I have come to like. It seems silly, really, but I can get so into a story that I just don't want to finish it and at the same time, I tell all my friends & family about the great book I'm reading.
As I find myself at the end of It's No Secret, I am a little sad that this is the last chapter in the book. I love Rachel's style of writing, her personal stories draw me in & help me connect. But her message is always pointing me to a greater Book! One that seems to never end - one that I never have to finish reading. A Book whose characters come alive anew every time I read their stories. And the world the author created: I live in it - all the time. That world won't go away until the Author returns.
Chapter 12 is a sort of benediction. While revealing one last 'secret', Rachel also guides us to the idea that we are not to keep these secrets for ourselves. We are blessed with the knowledge of these divine truths and should share them with others. Like a good book that we wouldn't hesitate to tell our friends & family about,(and maybe even lend them our copy or buy them a copy), we are challenged to do the same with our faith.
"But how?", you ask. First we start with remembering all that God does for us. Rachel helps us to see how important this is to God. I think God knew that we would forget to remember, so He made sure to tell us to over and over and over again! Jesus even directs his disciples to "Do this in remembrance of me" (Luke 22:19). We, as individuals and as the human race, have short memories. It is helpful to have reminders! The Bible serves as a reminder of what God has done for many, long ago. You can devise your own memory keeper, so that you can share your faith with others. The stories of the Bible are Fantastic! But people of the 21st century want to also hear about how God works in the here and now. Personal stories make real connections.
Savor this last chapter of It's No Secret ! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have and perhaps even pass a copy on to someone who would love to know these divine truths!
If you'd like a schedule, here's what I suggest:
Day 1: Read chapter 12. Think about someone (or two or three someones) you would like to share this message of Truth with.
Day 2: Complete questions # 1, 2, 3. Come to the blog and share your reaction to this chapter.
Day 3: Complete questions #4 & 5. Don't let the long list intimidate you! It's only 15 verses. If you're familiar with your Bible, it will be quick. If not, this will help :)
Day 4: Accept the challenge of becoming a Yahweh Sister recording artist! Come to the blog and share with us how you will do this!
I can't wait to read what you have to share!
Your Partner in Ministry,
Don't forget to join us for our new study, "My One Word" starting on April 5th and continuing for only 4 weeks! For details on the book & study, see last week's post or follow the Redeemer Lutheran Church link on the sidebar to Small Groups. I am so excited!!! I am looking forward to you joining us, here on-line and/or in person on Friday mornings.
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