"I was in the Spirit of the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet, saying, "Write in a book what you see..." Revelation 1:10-11 (NASB)
Ok, so mid-week is a bit of a stretch! It is Thursday, after all. Hopefully you have read chapters 9, 10, 11, and 12. It is quite a journey from chapter 1 to chapter 12! And to think we've covered it in 4 short weeks. But, this is not the end - it is a beginning. Some people take these 4 weeks to choose their word; it doesn't come to everyone at the same pace. Keep reading and, as Mike suggests in chapter 10, "write your guts out"!
What he says in chapter 10 is a great testament for journaling. I know not everyone likes to write or reflect on their day, but your journal can also include lists, drawings, and stream of conscience writing. Everything Mike says journaling can do for you is true! If you struggle with journaling, refer to page 140 for some ideas of things to write about. Most importantly, don't let anything hold you back! Start now and you will begin to see "the voice of God whispering to me, encouraging me, convicting me, and guiding me to be the person that I was created to be." (Ashcraft, MOW, p 142).
"Wait for it" here is not a line from a sitcom. In this instance, "wait for it" (chapter 11) refers to our prayer life, "waiting on God. Waiting to discern his plans. Waiting for him to form our hearts and transform our desires." (Ashcraft, MOW, p. 149). It's not easy! We live in a fast paced world, a world of short cuts and ways to avoid the wait. Yet, this is what we are called to do. There is no "Fast Pass" to the front of Heaven's line! And don't be fooled into thinking it is a passive time! Waiting is an important activity in God's world and the life of a Christian.
Finally, Mike talks to us about numbering our days (Psalm 90) and the trap of "destination thinking" in the final chapter. As you finish the reading, take note of what stood out for you. Was there an 'Aha moment'? Is there a burning question in your mind? Do you need to go back to a chapter, idea, or question? I know I do! I may even read the entire book again. Bring those thoughts to the blog in the comment section. I'd love to know what you thought of this practice! How are you doing with your One Word? Tell me, becuase I'd really like to know :)
I have been a fan of this book, the process, and the idea of My One Word since the beginning, but now... Well, I think my feelings have morphed from just liking it to a level where I feel I want to gift it (and a journal) to my friends and family. All the things Mike writes about we already know, because God has been telling us through His word for centuries, and Jesus taught us through the writings of his disciples. My One Word is a tool to help us focus our lives, to aid us in moving towards being the person God created us to be.
Remain daily in the Word (through your one word).
Remember, "Change is possible. Focus is required. Dependence on God is absolutely fundamental." (Ashcraft, MOW)
Your Partner in Ministry,
Shelly (honey)
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
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