Friday, June 14, 2013

July 14 - Summer Read-Along

"The purpose of these proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings."  Proverbs 1:2

How many times have you said "I wish there was an instruction book for... (fill in the blank)."  For me it usually came up in the early years of raising children.  But it also comes up in dealing with parents, friends, associates & acquaintances, finances, and big life decisions!

Good News! (Pun intended)  There is an instruction book!  The Bible.  The Bible is filled with history, fantastical stories of the 'super natural' (miracles, angels, etc.), poetry, epic love stories, great battles, and The Greatest Story Ever Told.  It also contains an entire book dedicated to wisdom!  There are some who say religion and knowledge are opposites - that only fools and ignorant people take refuge in religion; that somehow seeking knowledge negates religion.  This is a foolish argument!

While good advice can be found throughout the Bible, there is one book, 31 chapters long, wholly dedicated to teaching wisdom, discipline, and seeking knowledge.  Did you know that ? or is this news to you?  I "discovered" Proverbs a few years ago and fell in love with it last summer.  I started reading it and writing down my favorite verses.  And, although I didn't get through the entire book (still working on my discipline of daily reading), I have absorbed many proverbs into my life. 

For the summer I'd like to offer the reading of the book of Proverbs as a Summer Read-Along!  The chapters are very short!  Reading one chapter a day, we can get through the book in 31 days.  I know, it's a challenge in the summer, but I think we can do it!  Our official start date will be Monday, June 17th, but you can start reading now, if you like.

In these first few chapters notice how many times the word 'wisdom' is used.  Notice, too, the relationship between those who seek wisdom & knowledge and their relationship with God.  It reminds me of musterion: a sacred hidden truth that is naturally unknown to human reason but is made known by revelation of God, the term Rachel Olsen talks about in It's No Secret.  She goes on to say, "... drawing close to Him over time - develops our ability to recognize His still, small voice... enabling us to understand His meaning when that used to float right over our heads." (INS, 21).

Another theme in these chapters is how often we should seek knowledge & wisdom.  What do you notice?  In My One Word, Mike Ashcraft writes, "Yet God calls us to use our days to develop a heart of wisdom."  Yep, I think he got that idea from reading Proverbs!  While the MOW book suggests post-it notes and other creative ways of keeping your one word in front of you, Proverbs 3:3 suggests wearing "them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart."  How are you keeping your one word as a daily reminder of who you are in Christ?  I hope reading Proverbs every day will help you along the journey.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it is:

1)  Read one chapter a day in the Book of Proverbs. 

2)  As you read journal, underline, or highlight your favorite verses, verses that are confusing, connections and revelations.

3)  Visit the blog and leave a comment about what you are reading!  You can do this as many times during the week as you like.  It can be anything from #2 or questions and general comments.  I can't wait to read your thoughts on this!  Hey, I'd love to know what your necklace from P3:3 looks like!

I miss meeting with you all in person, but knowing that you are reading along with me in Proverbs and seeing your comments on the blog will be a great substitute for the summer!  Stay in the Word and stay connected.

Your Partner in Ministry,

Shelly (honey)

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24

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