Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A Confident Heart - Week 1 - Chapters 1 & 2

"But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence."  Jeremiah 17:7

Welcome to week 1 of Renee Swope's A Confident Heart!  

I am so glad that this book comes on the heels of our study on Spiritual Gifts.  Just because we know what our Spiritual Gifts are doesn't mean we automatically have the courage to use them.  That's where studying God's Word, living in it daily, and being in a faith community comes in to play.  We live in a broken world, one where doubt can take hold of us and keep us from being who God created us to be.  As we read through this book and spend time with the questions is raises, we'll uncover what "doubt" really is, where it comes from and how to move from doubt to confidence.

In chapter one, Renee tells the story of how she discovered "the shadow of my doubts" (p.22).  I can relate to many of her questions, fears, and doubts!  But then she moves into God's Word and the promises He has for us.  This can be a trans formative process if "you are willing to have honest, soul-searching conversations about where you are, how you got here, and where you really long to be." (p. 24).  That is where real change happens!  Renee is a wonderful writer, able to relate, entertain, and lift up God's word.  But faith is a personal journey.  God knows us and he desires us to know Him.  The best way to do that is to study His word and be honest with Him & yourself. 

Chapter two talks about the "P" word: Perfect!  It can be both a blessing and a curse.  I used to struggle mightily with this idea of being perfect, but then I learned that God's perfect love was the only true perfection there is and my attempt to be perfect (in the world's eyes) was destructive to me and those around me.  God's perfect love is a blessing; being a perfectionist in this world can be a curse by raising self-doubt and hiding behind a facade of "I'm fine!".   This chapter is filled with stories & Scripture, you'll even meet a character you may know from the 1st Century, the Samaritan woman!  Find out how her story relates to our 21st Century lives.

We are moving at a quicker pace than in the past, but I know you can do it!  Most chapters can be read in 10-15 minutes.  The questions at the end are the place where you will need to spend some quiet, thinking time.  This is also where you will make the most profound discoveries!  Take the time - Do the work - You will not regret it!

Because we are reading more material each week, we will not be able to discuss each question.  Choose a favorite quote or two from each chapter and a question you would like to explore.  These are the things we will talk about in person each Friday.

Below is a new request I'd like to try for every week of this study!
Everyone: whether you can attend on Friday morning or are doing this at your own pace through the blog: Please post your favorite quote from this week's reading in the comment section below.  It can be something that inspires you, that made you say "ah ha!", or any thing that struck you as you were reading.  It is a great way to stay connected throughout the week!   No need to wait to receive my post, either.  Add your comments whenever the spirit moves you by visiting www.reonlineblog.blogspot.com. I can't wait to read your posts!!

"Stop doubting yourself & live in the security of God's promises"

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healing for the body."  Proverbs 16:24



Shelly said...

Reminder that there is the opportunity to serve at Faith Kitchen on Thursday, Oct 10th at 10 am.

Shelly said...

May favorite quotes: Ch 1 - "doubt and hope cannot live in our hearts at the same time" pg. 23
Ch 2 - "Instead of just making our lives easier, God wants us to come up close and experience Him and all that He has for us. He knows that our problems won't be solved and our confidence won't be found through simply getting more stuff done." pg. 38