"There is meaning in every journey that is unknown to the traveler." ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
I read this quote this morning on Facebook - it was posted by the ELCA. If you are on Facebook you should follow them! They've been posting inspiring quotes throughout Lent! When I read this one, I couldn't help but think of the My One Word project! Mike talks about staying open to what God will do through our focus on our word in chapter 7. And in chapter 10 he touches on why journaling is so important; one of the reasons being that it allows us to see later, that meaning which wasn't clear in the beginning. We stay with one word for a year, because it is a journey whose destination is not yet known.
Regardless of where you are, keep moving forward, keep reading and writing; listen for God's voice in your search for your word and stay open to what He will do with you throughout the coming year.
Chapter 9 is a little aggressive! With a title like, "Blow Up the Moment", what did I expect? But when it comes to avoiding or defeating sin (whatever the sin is) we can't take a laissez-faire attitude. I thought of the word TEST in this chapter. Mike suggests we run some tests when we are in situations that can lead us away from God. We have asked the question over & over, "how do I know it's God talking to me". In this chapter (along with the 4 C's in chapter 6) Mike gives us some guidance as to how to slow ourselves down and control our thoughts, rather than letting emotions and our "mind monkeys" control them! I love the image of "mind monkeys"! It cracks me up and. at the same time, scares me a little! My mind monkeys run the range from "5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" to the pack of baboons chasing Jane in Disney's Tarzan. Can you tell I have kids!? No matter what your mind monkeys look like, they can be tamed with Scripture.
The word that came to me in chapter 10 is a bit obvious: WRITE! Mike implores us to write our guts out. And even for someone like me, who enjoys writing, it's not an easy task. It is a discipline. To take the time every day or even every other day, to slow down long enough to put pen to paper and record our thoughts, observations, activities, and feelings requires discipline and obedience. I know I didn't do so well last year with this, but this year it is one of the things I hope to incorporate through focusing on my one word. Mike does a fantastic job of proclaiming the benefits of journaling. So, I won't restate his declarations, I'll just say "Find a journal and get started! Right now!"
We are almost to the end of the book, but that is merely the beginning of the journey! If you have your word, great! I hope you have already found a Scripture to guide you and are working on your one small action. If you haven't yet chosen a word, stick with the process and keep your eyes and ears open! I thought I had my word narrowed down to 2 last week. I shared them, Kindness & Obey, but what others said in the course of discussing their words and mine, I have since heard another whispering to me. More research, listening and writing for me this week!
In the comment section, please share your word (if you have one), your Scripture, your one small action or any questions or struggles you are having discovering your word. I can't wait to read about your One Word!
Your Partner in Ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
Trust... Psalm 56:3
"When I am afraid, I will trust in you".
I know it is a bit 'reactive' but I will attempt to use my one word instead of getting to the point of anxiety. Tammy
Tammy, what a wonderful personal insight, word & verse!
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