Tuesday, April 1, 2014

You've Got Style

"Praise to the Lord!  Sing to the Lord a new song.  Sing his praises in the assembly of the faithful. 3 Praise his name with dancing, accompanied by tambourine and harp."  Psalm 149: 1,3

You've got spiritual style!  It's true!  Do you know what it is?  We think of style when it comes to clothing, home decor, car, music choices, even the way we parent, and engage in relationships.  But have you ever considered your Spiritual Style?  And I'm not talking about what you wear to church :)

I'm referring to the way in which you follow God.  The way you worship in church and in your life; how you draw closer to God.  We all have spiritual gifts, talents, traditions, and rituals; but style is more about how we like to do these things.  And although there is no right or wrong when it comes to style, it certainly can stir up emotions and controversy.

Over the next 6 weeks (7 on the calendar because we're not meeting on Good Friday) we are going to explore the different spiritual styles as defined by Corinne Ware in her book, Discover your Spiritual Type: A Guide to Individual and Congregational Growth.   We will not be reading the book (although it is encouraged).  Instead we will be following a "retreat resource" put together by the WELCA.  We will explore what Spiritual Style is and how it impacts our personal worship.  We will also have the opportunity to discover our own spiritual path(s) as well as the spiritual paths of others.  After discovering our own style(s), we will then have the opportunity to experience each of the spiritual paths, as defined in the book.

In preparation, please carefully read pages 3-5 of the "Paths to Wholeness" handout.  Take some time to answer the questions on pages 3 & 4 completely and consider your personal style.
Please do not read ahead!  

For those who have One Word, my hope is that this will be complimentary to living your life through the lens of that word.  Another layer of understanding ourselves, our Sisters, and our relationship to God.

In the comments below, please share your "style" of life as you understand it.  How do you think this will influence your spiritual style?  I'm excited to read all about you "stylish" women!

As a follow-up to last Friday's session, I'd like to thank Janice for that beautiful and moving display of our words.  That had style!  And in my style, I came home and wrote about it - in my journal and in poetry.  Please indulge me as I share my response:

My One Word walks across the room.
Held aloft by little arms.
Clutched in tiny fingers.
Look!  There it is!
It walks, unafraid, across the room.
Silent.  Strong.  
It walks with purpose, not knowing where the journey will end.
My heart is so full it spills from my eyes.
Our One Words parade through the room.
Look!  There's yours!
A living reminder of our journey with the Lord.

Your Partner in Ministry,

Eph 6:10-18

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the sould and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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