"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1
Welcome! I am so excited that you are here! I told you we were going back to the beginning and our opening verse is as close to the beginning as we can get.
I can't wait to get started on our new study, The Names of God by Ann Spangler (not to be confused with her books, Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus).
I have always been fascinated by names, which is beyond ironic because I have such a hard time remembering people's names. But, in ages past (and even still in many cultures today) names were very meaningful. They told others who you were, who your family was, where you were from, possibly what your parents' hopes were for you, and maybe even revealed some of your personality. Some believed a person's destiny was linked with their name!
As you read through the English version of the Bible, have you ever noticed the different ways God is mentioned? Things like, "Lord God", "God of Gods", "Almighty", "Almighty God" and so on. Even as a kid in Sunday School, I wondered about the redundancy of it. It wasn't until much later, when it really sunk in that the Bible wasn't first written in English and the English language is both complex (because it borrows from so many other languages) and over simplified (because we reduce multiple ideas and feelings into one word) that I became intrigued with the original names of God used in the ancient text.
Can you imagine my excitement when I found this book?!
As I explored it's contents, my excitement grew because it also meets my Bible study criteria: short readings, a few easy questions, and a few that will really get us talking (deep thinking). Bonus: It's a 1-book study! The Scripture is included in the book, so it's easy to throw in your bag and take it along anywhere! It's just right for those beginning their Faith Journey, those who may be new to Bible study, and interesting & intriguing enough for those who have been studying for years. It's also written to be done either individually or as a group - perfect for our mash-up Bible study of in-person and on-line communication. If you can't make it in-person, I hope that you will join us here, on the blog, to discuss The Names of God.
I really can't wait to get started!!
We will begin with ELOHIM, on page 11. But, it's always a good idea to read the Introduction (page 9); it's brief and gives a good understanding of where the author is coming from and what she hopes to accomplish through her book. I love that Ms. Spangler has included a Pronunciation Guide (page 7-8)! Yea!!
If you're like me and like to think about your answers to the study questions and ponder the "Passages for Continued Study" please read and answer the questions for ELOHIM (p 9-15).
There is one question I would like everyone to answer for every name of God: Do you know God in this way? This is a great question to ask yourself before you even begin reading and one to write about in your journal. Yes, your journal - get it out, dust it off, and get writing :) That's a note to myself, too!
This week we will do only one name because, of course, we will want to catch up on what everyone was doing over the summer! If you'd like to bring something that represents your summer, please feel free to do so (think Kindergarten show & tell)! Wink, wink Paula ;) If you can't meet on Friday morning, please let us all know what you've been up to this summer in the Comments. We'd love to hear from you!
I will see you Friday morning, September 12th! I'll have the coffee brewing by 9:10 am! Come then to catch up with everyone. We will begin our formal study by 9:30.
Your Partner in Ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
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