Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thinking about Rahab

"I accept your terms," she replied.  And she sent them on their way, leaving the scarlet rope hanging from the window."  Joshua 2:21

I sit here writing on another snowy day in what seems to be a never-ending winter, with this picture of hope in my head.  Isn't it beautiful!  With the danger that came before and knowing the destruction that was on it's way, this red ribbon tied to the window is like a flower pushing through the snow with it's promise of spring.  A burst of color in a bleak world!

Rahab is a woman of intelligence, independence, courage, strength, faith, selflessness, and obedience.  It's no wonder she has been held up since the times of the early church as an example of faith, forgiveness, obedience, and grace.

I suppose some people might say that she was just telling these spies what they wanted to hear to save her own, pretty little neck.  But, Joshua 2: 8-13 shows us that she was acting on faith, not out of self-preservation.  And Romans 10:10 explains it further.  (Bad Girls of the Bible Workbook, pg 90).  Here is a woman, going against everything she was raised to believe, because she had heard of the works of the God of the Hebrews!  Simply hearing about God changed her heart.  When she had the opportunity to act on her belief, she acted boldly.  She saved not only herself, but the spies and her family as well.

Rahab displayed obedience, even though she was an independent woman.  That's one thing I struggle with, I have to admit.  It's difficult for me to incorporate independence with obedience.  They seem to be opposites.  I can think it through and give examples of when to be independent and when to be obedient, but they are rarely combined.  It is one attribute of Rahab's that I hope to one day claim as my own: to be independent, yet boldly obedient to God.

Rahab, a prostitute and a pagan, became the great-great grandmother of King David! (Matthew 1:1,5)  And we know who came from King David's line!  How did that happen?!  Read James 2:25 to find out!  She left her old life in the ruins of Jericho and never looked back.  She didn't let her past define or limit her future as a child of God.  She made it look easy, but we all know it's not.  What is holding you back from boldly walking in God's grace?

Now that Rahab's story has been with you for a few days and you've given some thought to the bravery, faith, and actions of this heroine of the Bible, how will she inspire you?
Who will you save; how will you act boldly on your faith; how will you be obedient to God; what will you leave behind?  I know, that's a lot of questions!  But I'd like for you to think in ink on these and any other questions or points that come to you.  Because it's great fun to read adventurous stories of courageous people, but if they don't somehow inspire you, than it's simply entertainment.  And while the Bible has plenty of entertainment value, that's not it's purpose.
The people in the Bible are like us for a reason.  They are flawed, their faith ebbs and flows, they have checkered pasts, and even doubt & question God!  Sound familiar?
The people in the Bible are like us, so that we can identify with them and realize that just as God loved them, He loves us.  Just as He forgave them, He forgives us.

I hope that Rahab has inspired you to live fully in grace and act boldly in faith!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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