Wednesday, May 6, 2015

ReAwakening 1 John 5

"I write this to you who believe in the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life."  1 John 5:13

John has a way of writing that makes my head spin sometimes.  Then he makes a statement like this - so clear and understandable, despite the fact that 'eternal life' is still a bit of a mystery to me.

I've heard different theories on what eternal life is - never ending, life in heaven with God, light, love, an existence without fear or pain or suffering.  So, I can imagine what it might be, but I still think it's rather mysterious and I'm perfectly okay with that!
The best part about this verse for me is that John says " may know you have eternal life."  Not that I could have it or that I have to earn it or I'll be rewarded with it sometime in the future... he says I have it, present tense!  It's mine because of what God sacrificed for me - His son, Jesus, the Christ.  And because I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, I am granted this gift of eternal life!

As that fact sinks into my heart, it spurs me to action.  I ask myself: What am I doing with this gift of eternal life?  If it starts now (as it was explained to me once) how am I honoring God with my life?  What am I doing, everyday, to be the person he created me to be?

This week, even as I SOAK in other verses, this one is the most important for me.  I will come back to it and check myself against it.  John reminds me (and you and all believers) that eternal life is ours already.  A gift given.  The question is - how will I receive it?  And what will I do with it?  It is not a trinket to display on the shelf or a piece of jewelry to wear only on special occasions.
It is an essential, beautiful piece to make use of every day and to adorn myself with day and night.  It is my favorite pot holder (yes, I love my potholder!) and my diamond earrings (they never leave my ears!).  I don't liken eternal life to these out of humor (though it does sound kind of funny), but these are two gifts that are a part of my life every single day.
My potholder, handmade & simple, is the first one that I always reach for.  If I can't find it, a little panic sets in and I search until it's found.  It perfectly protects me and I use it every day!  Then there's my diamond earrings - a special gift of love from my husband and I adore them for what they represent!  They have been in my ears for over a decade!  I never take them off, but I bet many people don't even know I have them.  They are not flashy, though they are beautiful.  I am so use to them, I sometimes forget they're there.  Then they catch my eye, their sparkle reminds me of his love, renewing my heart on even my worst days.
Eternal life is like my potholder and my diamond earrings.  It is "handmade" (that is... God made), an essential part of my every day life, protecting me from the 'heat' of life lived on earth.  It is a special, beautiful gift to remind me of God's love.  To be worn every day, a sparkly adornment to be noticed by others, but mostly remembered by me.  Renewing my heart and getting me through life, even on my worst days.

As you read and color code 1 John 5, don't forget to come to the blog and share with us something you have learned.  I'd love to know which is your favorite verse.  Did you have an ah-ha moment you'd like to share?  All are welcome at the blog!  Your involvement is greatly encouraged!

Until next time...

Your Partner in Ministry,

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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