"Which girl's still got it? Ruth's definitely got it! Yes, that Ruth. The one in the Bible. And her mother-in-law, Naomi? She's still got it too. So do you, beloved." ~Liz Curtis Higgs, The Girl's Still Got It
On days that I'm feeling like I just don't have it all together, this message comforts me. Lately, every day feels like that! Maybe it's the time of year - packing away the summer attitude and getting ready for a new school year. And for the second time, it means physically packing up our oldest daughter's belongings and moving her into her dorm. It is a bitter-sweet time of year and a bitter-sweet time in life.
I can only imagine what Naomi was feeling when Elimelech told her to get packing! She was faced with packing up the family & all their possessions (or at least most of the household) and moving far away! Far away from what they've ever known, far from friends, far from family. BUT, life was hard in Bethlehem; and now a severe famine has taken hold of the land. A mom's gotta do what a mom's gotta do to save her children! So Naomi packed her bags and moved. There's no doubt in my mind that it was a bitter-sweet time in Naomi's life.
In our study of Naomi & Ruth we will come to know both the bitterness and the sweetness of Naomi. I know, the book is named for Ruth, but as a middle-aged mom (with some of my friends being grandmas) I find that I identify with Naomi as much as I appreciate the story of Ruth. Both women are transformed over the course of the story. And Liz's opening words indicate that although the book carries Ruth's name, it's not all about her. It's about Naomi too, their relationship, their faith, and their hope.
What does that mean for me and for you? One lesson may be that no matter what stage of life we are in, no matter what hardships we face, no matter if we are a new believer or have lost our way, God does not give up on us. Even when we can't see how things could possibly get better, when we think we're 'past saving' or 'too old to be useful', God sees only His children and wants to make sure we are safe in His care.
I am so excited to start discussing this book with you! The Book of Ruth and The Girl's Still Got It has something for everyone! It's a many-leveled love story! It's also a journey story of growth, faith, and redemption, with a little sauciness thrown in! So, grab your book, your journal and ask a friend to join you!!
Don't have your book yet?! Go HERE to support Redeemer Youth & Family Ministry by purchasing it through Amazon. They have a great selection of used books at fantastic prices!!
Get Reading! Please read "Before We Dive In" and Chapter 1 before our first gathering on September 11, 9:15 am. Note: this is a little earlier than past years! I will have the coffee & tea on at 9, so feel free to arrive early!
Can't make it Friday mornings? That's okay! That's why I started this blog! You can read along, post comments & start discussions right here on the blog! Want to talk? I'd love to meet up over coffee, e-mail or have a word on Sunday morning! If there's one thing I love more than reading a book, it's talking about it! And I'm betting that I'm not the only one...
If you've never done an on-line Bible study, go ahead and take the plunge today! Everything you need for the study is in Liz's book (the study guide is in the back). You can do it on your own schedule and keep pace by following the blog. It's a great way for a busy woman to stay connected to The Word and our community.
I look forward to taking this journey with you!
Your Partner in Ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
1 comment:
Am most excited to begin this study and learn about the relationship between these two women. The role of Mother-in-Law as a friend intrigues me. Looking forward to learning and sharing as we gather again this fall.
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