Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit - Week 1 - LOVE

"But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Here there is no conflict with the law."  Galatians 5: 22-23

This passage in Galatians is the basis for the next 9 weeks of study!  When I read it, I can't help but think, "Oh, I want that!  I want to be filled with love, joy, peace; to be patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and oh please, give me some self-control!"

Unfortunately, this isn't a menu.  There's no ordering up some kindness appetizers, with a hearty serving of faithfulness & self-control as an entree and a triple helping of dessert: love, joy, & peace - with a cherry on top.  But, we also don't have to work for or earn this fruit of the Spirit through good deeds and obeying the law.  It is a gift of the Holy Spirit - something the Holy Spirit produces in us.

Our first fruit is LOVE!  We tend of over use this word and in today's English it has a wide range of meanings.  But 1 John 4:7-16 gives us the definition of Love according to John, Jesus' disciple and close friend.   The example he uses for us is God, how God loves us, and how God shows us His love.

For those who will not have their book before Friday morning, here are some questions from the study:

Based on verses 7-16, write a one-sentence description of love.  Think Snoopy's "Love Is..." and fill in the rest, if you're having a hard time getting started.

After you describe love, think about and list how you have seen God's love demonstrated through other Christians.

Finally, think of someone you find it difficult to feel warm toward, especially someone you are thrown together with regularly.  Why is it difficult to love that person?  Recognizing that love is not based on feelings, list some practical ways you can show the fruit of love to that person.

To further think about the kind of Love we see in Jesus, Ms. Offner points us to additional Scripture. What is Jesus' tone of voice in Matt 19:13-15; John 8:2-11; and John 19:25-30?  What expression do you see on His face in Mark 5:25-34 and John 19:25-27?  How would you have felt if you had been touched by Jesus in Luke 5:12-13 and Luke 13:10-13?

I encourage you to share your responses to one or all the questions, in the 'Comment' button, so that others may be supported and encouraged by your words.

I thank God for all the people He has put in my life who have shown me this kind of Love.  I pray that I am able to show His love to others, even those I find it difficult to love.

Your Partner in Ministry,


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