Sunday, November 11, 2012


A huge 'Thank You' to Rhonda, for opening her home to our group on Friday!  Your generous hospitality was a blessing to all of us!

Sometimes a Bible study is more than just reading and discussing scripture.   A Bible study group can offer real help, emotional support, and spiritual togetherness in times of need.

That's what we needed this past Friday, as we gathered in the home of our friend Rhonda, because the power was still out at our church.  We had a shortened session due to other obligations, delayed school openings, school closings, and some still without power.  But an hour together was just what we needed!

We talked of the patience that Jesus says we should have and agreed that sometimes, Patience is difficult!  It's something we have to pray for and practice.  It is a fruit of the spirit that can manifest itself differently in each of us and even change throughout our lives.  The example shared was that of patience with small children - not all of us are blessed with patience with small children, until we have our own children.  That was certainly a familiar one for me!  And now that I have teens, I see my patience changing again. 

In Matthew 18:21-35, patience is closely linked to forgiveness.  Although forgiveness is not a fruit of the spirit, it is something we are called to do as Christians.  And how can we forgive "seventy times seven!" (Matt 18:22) if we have not received the fruit of patience?  It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to practice that kind of forgiveness without the fruit of patience from the Holy Spirit. 

A good question was asked during our discussion: since the forgiven servant, who withheld forgiveness from the servant who owed him money, was then thrown into jail until his original debt to the king was paid, does that mean that the forgiveness is conditional (on his forgiveness of others)?   What do you think?  Please leave a comment below and share your thoughts.  I will share what we discussed, later in the week in the comment section.

We briefly talked of Kindness, as it was related in 2 Samuel 9, the story of King David's kindness to Mephibosheth, one of Jonathan's sons.  We shared how these past few weeks of suffering through a natural disaster can bring out both the worse and best in people.  And while some people can be especially difficult, cruel, and unkind many more display heroic acts of kindness to friends & strangers alike. 

And while I still struggle with 'kindness' as a fruit of the spirit, I think being kind when it is difficult to be kind can come only from "when the Holy Spirit controls our lives..." (Galatians 5:22a).  I look to Galatians 6: 8b-10, to remind me to practice patience & kindness in order that I will "harvest everlasting life from the Spirit" (Gal 6:8b). 

I don't believe it's important to have 'all the answers' in order to practice our faith.  I do think it's okay to search for clarity and answers through Scripture, prayers, discussions, meditation on the Word, and being the hands & feet of God by serving others.  Keep this in mind as we continue to learn about the Fruit of the Spirit.  It was once explained to me that all Christians receive the Fruit of the Spirit, but in the proportions we need, when we need it. 

I pray that as we continue to learn about the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control - you will start to recognize their abundance in your life.

Your Partner in Ministry,

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