Monday, March 11, 2013

Week 10 - Chapter 11 - Diversify Your Portfolio

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)

I cannot believe how quickly the weeks have flown by!  We have only two more chapters until the end of this study!  I have learned so much; my faith and understanding grow deeper every time I read this book, the Scriptures, and discuss them with you.  Thank you for being an amazing part of this fantastic journey!

Looking ahead, I hope you will join us for the next study, beginning on April 5th.  We will read "My One Word" by Mike Ashcraft & Rahcel Olsen.  If you are able to join us in person on Friday mornings, you will also see the video series that accompanies the book.  This is completely optional and if you cannot attend in person, you will still benefit greatly from the book alone.  Also, join us here on this blog and check out the webpage, blog, Facebook page, and Twitter for My One Word, .  Lots of support & resources for everyone's schedule!  Please purchase the book (and begin reading) before April 5th. Go to and follow the link at the bottom of the page to purchase the book through Redeemer Youth's portal. Thank You!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled chapter...

Wisdom - do you know a wise person?  What is the difference between Wise and Smart?  Can a person be wise without being smart?  And vice-versa, smart but not wise?  I think I'm about as smart as I'm going to get, but can I still attain wisdom?  HOW?

Rachel helps us discover the answer to that question in this chapter.  She highlights Scripture that talks about, explains, defines, and describes Wisdom.  Scripture tells us who has wisdom, just how to get it, and the rewards for following Wisdom. 
For additional reading about Wisdom, look at Proverbs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.  Scan these verses this week and notice how many times the words "wise" and "wisdom" are used. Do you get the idea that wisdom is important to God and important for us? 
Reading Proverbs is a great way to spend time in Scripture on a daily basis (see Question 5 at the end of the chapter.  I hope you try this.  I'd love to hear about it as you read through Proverbs!)

For this week:

Monday: Read chapter 11. Come to the blog and post your reaction to this chapter in the Comment section.  Post your favorite quote from the book and/or your favorite verse on Wisdom.

Tuesday: Read about Daniel and answer the questions for Question #1.

Wednesday: Do questions #2, #3, #4.  Enjoy these wisdom-filled, yet short, readings. These passages pack a lot of punch in their brevity.

Thursday: Review chapter 11 & chapter 10.  We'll talk about both on Friday morning.  Feel free to comment on both on the blog!  I am always excited to hear from you!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.  For the Lord grants wisdom!  From his mouth come knowledge and understanding."  Proverbs 2: 2, 6


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