Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Week 1 of Proverbs Summer Read-Aong

"My child, never forget the things I have taught you.  Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life."  Proverbs 3:1-2

Have you accepted the challenge of reading a chapter of Proverbs a day?  I hope you have!  These first few chapters are encouraging and generally easy to understand. (They can be a little confusing later.)  Sometimes I find it hard to stop at just one chapter a day.  If you find yourself wanting to read ahead, that's okay.  There will probably be a day or two a week that are so busy, you forget, so it all works out in the end!  Don't forget to use your hands as well as your eyes, when you sit down to read.  Whether you prefer to highlight, underline and/or write in a journal, do it.  You will gain even more wisdom when you spend time in the word, reading it, writing it, consuming it, and using it.

This week we will read chapters 1-7.  These chapters are jam-packed with information and advice on living.  Everything from our relationship with ourselves, our parents, & God to financial matters and avoiding immoral women (shouldn't that have been updated to say 'immoral people'?).  I found it interesting that Solomon says, "listen to me" quite often.  That makes me feel a little less frustrated with my own children, knowing that Solomon had to tell his readers to listen, over and over again!  So, it's not just my kids - thank goodness!  That's a parenting lesson right there - children need to be told repeatedly to listen to their parents.  Don't fight it, just keep plugging away!  It's not you - it's not them - it's human nature!

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." P4:23.  With all the talk on Wisdom in these first few chapters, I was surprised to see this reference to 'the heart'.  In this change from 'wisdom' to 'heart' Solomon recognizes that although we may pursue & acquire wisdom we will always find time to do the things we love, to follow our heart and our desires.  My study Bible notes explain it well, "...making sure we concentrate on those desires that will keep us on the right path.  Make sure your affections lead you in the right direction.  Put boundaries on your desires.  Don't go after everything you see....keep your eyes fixed on your goal, and don't get sidetracked on detours (that lead to sin.)"  This can be applied to all aspects of our lives: from teaching young children to share, to advising teens to 'curb their enthusiasm' in many things, to our struggle of knowing I shouldn't eat the sticky bun sitting on the counter, but wanting to so badly I can hear it call my name!  Putting boundaries on our desires can keep us out of all sorts of trouble!

As you read, don't forget about all the studies we've done prior to this.  Everything is connected in some way.  Do you recognize characteristics of any of the great women of the Bible we studied?  Do any of them come to mind as you read?  What divine truths are revealed through Proverbs?   Maybe there are some truths that we talked about in It's No Secret and perhaps there are some new ones that you are discovering on your own.  Write them down, write them on your heart, and share them (in your life & here on the blog).  Finally, how does Your One Word fit into the book of Proverbs?  How does one enhance the meaning & use of the other?

I know, you're probably saying, "These are a lot of questions!  Can't I just read!?  Do I have to think so much?!"  Well, 'Yes' & 'No'.  If you've taken notes or written in your books and your Bible, some of these ideas may already be right in front of you.  Some of you have read this before and the connections are obvious.  If all else fails, sit in silence and meditate on a  passage or a word and see what comes to Light.  It's amazing what God will reveal when we stop trying so hard - let go & let God!

Enjoy your reading this week!

Your Partner in Ministry,

Shelly - honey

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24


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