Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Nothing is hidden

"He will not let you stumble and fall; the one who watches over you will not sleep.  The Lord himself watches over you!  The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade."  Psalm 121: 3, 5

How comforting is our opening verse!  Knowing that God does not sleep, but keeps an ever watchful eye on me, as a protector, fills me with warmth and confidence.

But what about those times when I fall short, very short?  Then the idea that God sees what I did or didn't do, allows feelings of guilt and shame creep in.  I want to run & hide.

What about those times of difficulties and suffering?  Does God see me then?  Sometimes it feels like He doesn't!  But the name EL ROI implies that He does.

This week we are encountering EL ROI, the God who sees me.  The passages for continued study at the end of this section point towards a God who is ever watchful over us; the comforting side of His all seeing-ness.  But, our Key Scripture is in the story of Hagar, the Egyptian slave woman who bore Abram's first son.  It is Hagar who gave this name to the Lord.  And I suspect that maybe she felt like God wasn't watching over her.  And once she realized He had been, she felt a little guilty about the way she had behaved.

Fortunately, her story doesn't end there!

As you study and read her experience, discover in your own life when you have encountered EL ROI, the God who sees me.

I encourage you to write down those times in your life when you suspected God had taken a 'coffee break' from His watchfulness.  Then try to recall if that difficult time later proved useful or turned into a blessing.  Perhaps you are in that difficult time right now.  Journal your thoughts and feelings as they come to you.  Write prayers to ELOHIM and EL ROI and watch as God, in His time and His way, turns your world around.

I'd love to hear about your encounter with EL ROI, the God who sees me.  Comment below (click here if you are reading this in e-mail) to share your experience!   I can't wait to read how God is working in your life!!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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