Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Week 3 of "My One Word"

"These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts... Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads."  Deuteronomy 6:6,8

Have you ever "lost" your car in the parking lot?  I have a terrible memory for things like this!  I can be in a store for only half an hour and not be too sure where I parked.  In an attempt to make life less stressful, I try to park in the same area at the mall, park under light fixtures, and take note of where the car is in relation to the store.  Even with all this, I can still misremember where I left my car!  If the kids are with me, I usually ask one of them to remember where we parked! 

With an lost car incident only an hour old, I sat down to read chapter 5 the other day.  Should I be surprised that the chapter was all about how forgetful we can be!?  That's why Mike urges us to 'Keep It In Front Of You', "it" being our one word.  Like my attempt to park in a location I will remember, in order to remember our one word, it should be placed where we can see, hear, feel, or touch it every day.  How will you keep your word in front of you?  Share in the comment section ways you plan to keep your word front and center in your life over the course of the year.

If you haven't yet chosen your word, keep with the process.  List, research, pray, look for Scripture that supports your word.  Once you have your word, commit to one small action that you will take in regards to moving you towards that person you want to become, in Christ, through your word.  For example, my word is honey and my action is be nice!

Most importantly, keep reading!  Mike's stories are funny and relate-able, inspiring and comforting.  This week we are reading chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8.  They are short, generally less than 10 pages, so I know you can do it! 

I look forward to reading your reaction to any of the chapters we're reading this week.  And don't forget to tell us how you will keep your word in front of you!  I have been eating a spoonful of honey to remind me that "Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24

Your Partner in Ministry,
Shelly (honey)


Corine B said...

Sooooo - a little late to the party, but still hoping that I can catch up! I finally broke down and - despite my love of holding books and being able to write in books and underline and such - bought the book for Kindle. It just seemed like the most expedient way to start reading. I must say that Kindle's "text to speech" feature can be very handy. The drawback of the Kindle book? I can't tell what chapter I am reading!

Of what I have read/heard so far I am struck by the instructions that ask us to list the characteristics of the type of person who is what we desire to become/change. This sound pretty simple but I have never considered this type of approach. Cant wait to see you ladies!

Anonymous said...

What an up and down, roller coaster ride week. However, relinquish through prayer, my commitment for the week, well, all I can say is WOW. Thought I blew everything on Tuesday and lost my focus. Picking up MOW I read...."don't abandon your word if things aren't going as planned. Let it morph." Along comes the AHA moment....God speaks to me not just to give me orders but out of LOVE! There it is. Right in front of me. And, now it is also posted on the door to my kitchen pantry...you know the place where all of the goodies are hidden. The vision of failure is smashed and conquered, not from me...through God who loves me...and it makes my heart want to sing! Linda