Sunday, July 14, 2013

Day 28 of Proverbs Read-Along

"As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects the person." Proverbs 27:19

The other day I wore my work out clothes all day!  My intention when I woke up that day was to don these clothes to remind & encourage me to work out.  Having been away for a week and then taking another week to recover the state of the house from leaving 2 kids and the husband "home alone", I realized that it had been two weeks since I stepped on the treadmill or practiced any yoga.  Yikes!  Far too long if I am to lose any weight or try to run that 5K with my son in October.  However, as the day went on, I found myself busy with "other things" that seemed more important or I was distracted by e-mail, Facebook, and Pinterest - all in the name of keeping in touch with real people or researching something.  As I got ready for bed that night, I was disappointed in myself.  Even though I had every good intention of "running" (it's really just a short jog, to those who are actual runners) and even clothed myself for the task, I didn't follow through.  I didn't listen to that inner voice that whispered throughout the day, "You have time - just do a mile or so.  It won't take long."  But it was much easier to push that voice away. 

Have you had days like that -when your good intentions remain just that?  Do you know someone who is full of good intentions but rarely follows through?  Or someone who clothes themselves in something, only to discover they aren't that at all? 
The other day reminded me of people who wear a cross around their neck or hang a Rosary on their rear view mirror for show.  They clothe themselves in the symbols of the church, but aren't really "church people".  I actually had someone tell me that one time, as she wore a large cross necklace (she wore it regularly) and enrolled her son in Catholic school.  She said church was her husband's "thing".  That struck me as odd and put a word of caution in my heart.  But, I did not withhold my friendship or judge her.  Perhaps she was clothing herself in the symbol of Christ with every good intention of making church "her thing."  It was part of her life at some time in her past and maybe she hoped, like I did, that wearing the proper attire would spur the proper action.  And when it did, we'd be ready!!

The next day I put on a fresh work-out outfit and jogged 2 miles!  Boy, did it feel good!  I found it was a similar feeling I get when I've been away from God's word or worship for too long and finally put myself back into His Presence. 
When I'm away from God, forgetting to ask His blessing on my day & my family and not seeking His guidance before I do something, my heart is sluggish, my breathing labored and my efforts are like swimming against a current.  But when I seek the Lord first, study His words, His teachings, and His wisdom my heart is light, my breathing is easy, and my efforts are buoyed up by His life-giving waters.  It is GOOD! 

That pretty much sums up my last two weeks!  My troubles and worries have not disappeared, but they are eased!  The evidence is in a text I received from my oldest daughter.  She said, "There's hope!"  It was a wonderful exclamation from a child who's hope of fulfilling her dreams has been dwindling over the last month and nearly plummeted over the last two weeks.  Just when we were looking ahead to make plans for a 'worse-case-scenario"  (Proverbs 27:12a), she was given a glimmer of hope to hang on and boost her spirits, (Proverbs 18:4 and 25:13).

I think this is part of what Proverbs provides for me: hope.  Hope for those times when I feel like this world is working against me.  When all that I know is right as a Christian seems to be wrong in society.  It tells me that injustice is seen by God, that bribery doesn't really work, and that a life of lazy luxury will only lead to hunger and despair.  It also shows me that these are not just modern day issues.  Mankind has been swindling, ignoring their parents, looking for love in all the wrong places, and trying to get rich quick for a VERY LONG time!  There is an odd comfort in knowing we are not the worse society ever to have existed, nor have we improved that much over thousands of years.  Yet, there is hope!  Hope in Christ!

The other thing Proverbs gives me is laughter!  I actually laugh out loud at some of the verses.  Sometimes it's out of absurdity, sometimes it's out of being able to relate, and other times it seems to perfectly describe people in my life.  Do you find it funny at times or is it just me?  I've been told I have a strange sense of humor!

What do you see or hear in Proverbs?  Does it make you laugh, shudder, think deep thoughts, cry or all of the above?  What does it stir up in you? 

Congratulations on reading 28 chapters of Proverbs!  I must admit, this is the farthest I've ever gotten.  And since I have given you the challenge of reading all 31 chapters, I know I'll finish the book this time - I have to meet my own challenge.  Only 3 more chapters to go! 

Thank you for coming along on this journey.  Taking on a challenge is so much more fun and meaningful when it's done in such good company.

May you have a beautiful week!

Your Partner in Ministry,

Shelly - honey

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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