"Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are all parts of his one body, and each of us has different work to do. And since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others. God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well." Romans 12: 4-6
Summer's scattered schedule leaves me feeling like I'm missing a part of me... You! I miss seeing you all regularly and am so happy I've been able to see some of you on the few occasions I've made it to church over the last few weeks. And thank you to those who've told me they've stayed in the Word over the summer months and have been encouraged by the blog posts. It is uplifting to hear the blog is helpful and encouraging to others, through the Grace of God. It is something I've felt called to do, even if I'm not doing daily or even regularly, and your kind words are a reinforcement that this is an area where God is leading me.
Do you hear God calling you to do something in particular? Do you feel His leadership in your life? Do you think people are hearing voices in their head when they say things like that?! (You can laugh here - it's so hard so add inflection in type!)
Way back at the beginning of my exploration of my faith journey, I don't think I actually believed that someone was being led by God to do one thing or another. I figured it was just their way of saying, "This is what I'm good at & what I want, so it must be what I am meant to do." Part of me didn't believe their faith and part of me was jealous that they were so convicted. As a young person I really didn't know what I wanted to do in life. I knew I was good at some things, but did not have a clear goal or path; nor did I feel like my gifts mattered or were important. A few years into my faith journey, I was given a Gifts Assessment. It was a part of a larger study our congregation was doing at the time, but it was the best thing I've ever done to personally assess my life. It was through this Gift Assessment, along with studying what God tells us about our Gifts, that I started to understand and believe what I first thought was unbelievable.
Fast forward a dozen years and I started attending Bible study regularly and eventually took a leadership role in a Mom's outreach group and eventually began leading Bible study! In all of these roles I used what I discovered in that Gift Assessment years earlier. And trust me, it was not a straight and obvious path! It isn't always easy, either. But, recognizing that God has asked me to do certain things has allowed me to say "yes" with confidence when asked. I also tend to focus on doing things that encompass my gifts rather than taking on projects for which I have no degree of competency! Saving me a lot of guilt and stress :)
In several of our Bible study meetings, talk has turned to our gifts. What are they? How can we use them? Several of us thought it would be a good idea and very good timing to take a Gifts Assessment. So, our first two weeks of Bible study will focus on a Gifts Assessment and Bible study found on the "Women of the ELCA" webpage. It is called 'Gifts for You' and you can download your own copy here http://www.womenoftheelca.org/filebin/pdf/resources/SpiritualGifts.pdf if you'd like to get started. I will have printed copies at the beginning of September, too. This study includes a survey, charts & graphs which I find much easier to view and evaluate on paper. I will make enough copies for everyone who attended in person in the past. If you are new - WELCOME! I am so glad you are here! Whether you will be doing the study on-line or in person, please let me know so I can print a copy for you! If you are a member or friend of Redeemer Lutheran Church, I will put it in your mailbox, if not, I can always mail it to you. This is a free resource from 'Women of the ELCA'.
I am so excited to announce that we will resume meeting live on Sept 20th! On October 4th we will be cooking for Faith Kitchen! Then beginning October 11th we will read A Confident Heart by Renee Swope, which will take us up to our Thanksgiving break (either the 15th or 22nd, depending on how things are going). You can find A Confident Heart at most on-line bookstores or on the 'Proverbs 31 Ministries' website. The cost of the book varies depending on where you purchase it, and used books can often be found for less on Amazon.com (use the portal on the church's website to support Youth Ministry). We will be doing 2 chapters a week, but if that's too much reading for you, you may want to buy the book soon and begin reading it to lighten your load during the six weeks we will be doing it together.
Your "assignment" for August is to fully enjoy this last month of summer! If you are still working through the book of Proverbs, stick with it so that you finish by mid-August. Check-in with your One Word. How is it working in your life? Did you check out their website? You can also follow My One Word's inspiring posts on Facebook and Twitter.
Your Partner in Ministry,
Shelly - honey
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
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