Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bad Girls of the Bible - Closing Thoughts and the Power of One

"Then Jesus said, "What is the Kingdom of God like?  How can I illustrate it?  It is like a tiny mustard seed planted in a garden; it grows and becomes a tree, and the birds come and find shelter among its branches."  Luke 13:18-19

Thank you for joining me through the book Bad Girls of the Bible by Liz Curtis Higgs.  And THANK YOU to my dear friend, Paula for suggesting it!  It has been a wonderful journey of exploring and learning and faith building.

As I look back over the 10 "Bad Girls" there are a few things that stand out:

*The first is that we can learn something from each of them.  Whether they were bad for a moment, bad in the past, or bad through and through, we can learn from their mistakes and their examples.  Why not spend a few minutes to think in ink on each woman and the most important lesson you learned from her.  Won't you share a few thoughts with the group?

*The second is that that these women were individuals.  We did not read about "the first women of the earth", we read about Eve.  We didn't read the stories of "rich & powerful women", we read about Potiphar's wife and Lot's wife.  Each of these 10 women, whether or not we know their names, were individuals.  Still, their particular situations are universal enough to be applied to women (and men) thousands of years after their stories were recorded. 

The singularity of these ladies stays with me.  So often I feel like a speck, a "drop in the bucket" of humanity, wondering if little-old-me could really make a difference in the world.  Then I remember these women: for better or for worse, these people made a difference in the lives of those around them and the lives of the millions who have read their stories.  When I hear of all the terrible things that go on in the world (from individuals committing horrible acts against people & animals to governments, groups, and corporations making huge negative global impacts) I wonder: is there any hope?  What difference can I make?

Then the description in the Scripture above comes to mind: a tiny mustard seed, planted in a garden, grows into a tree big enough to provide shelter.  I recall the story of Rahab, saving her family in the face of certain death and becoming an ancestor of King David and Our Lord and an inspiration to many; the woman at the well running to tell her entire town (people who didn't like her) about the Messiah whom she had met!  And I think of the individual who has changed the world: Jesus!  He was truly God and truly man while He was on Earth.  He spoke & taught to individuals at first, and eventually to great crowds.  His teachings, healings, and miracles were spread by word of mouth, not at the speed of the Nightly News or Social Media.  Yet, His influence on humanity for generations is undeniable.  So, what can I do?  "I can do all things though Christ who gives me strength!" Philippians 4:13

The other day it snowed - the sky was white with big fluffy flakes slowly falling to the ground!  It was beautiful, though surprising considering it was March 31st.  A graceful reminder that life doesn't always conform to our expectations!  And sometimes the unexpected can be lovely! 

The next day, the sun came out and the temperatures rose.  As I looked out at my backyard I watched as large white clumps of snow dropped from the trees.  Unlike the day before, this happened singularly, though once a clump fell from a particular branch, others from that branch also fell, but slowly and unpredictably.  This reminds me of the do-gooders of the world.  Individuals, doing one good thing here and one good thing there.  Often in isolation and in the face of nay-sayers and difficult circumstances.  And yet, they persist.  Their goodness is beautiful in the sea of ugliness around them.  And though they may not garner headlines, people notice, and are moved to become do-gooders too.  Like the mustard seed planted in a garden or someone's story written in the Bible: when good is modeled & nurtured & encouraged it grows.

Jesus was one man.  His ministry grew to 12 disciples and a small group of followers and believers.  He had no marketing strategy, he didn't host fundraising events, no e-mail blasts or LinkdIn profile.  Just Him, His words & actions, and God. Yet, His influence on humanity for generations is undeniable. We are not Jesus, but we do have the Holy Spirit within us.  We cannot predict what fruit our kindness will bare, but we can trust that it will touch someone's heart.  Every act of kindness & mercy will grow, however slowly and unpredictably it may seem to us.

We are called to live in community with each other, but our faith is a very personal (individual) relationship between ourselves and God Almighty.  We are each a mustard seed, tiny in comparison to humanity & history.  But as Christians, we are planted in a garden, our faith communities, where we are nurtured and encouraged to grow.  This will turn us into trees of faith, going out to provide shelter to the world.  To be that single, beautiful clump of snow doing good for the Kingdom, (not for power or recognition) and influencing those around us to do the same.

Rise up and do good!  Just as Paul encourages, "So don't get tired of doing what is good.  Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time.  Whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone..."  Galatians 6:9-10  There are lots of us do-gooders out there - you are not alone.  Open your eyes and heart to see the goodness in the world.  Pray for strength and the opportunity to be kind and offer help.  Thank you Lisa for sharing this link with me!  Click here to meet your fellow Do-Gooders from around the world!  It's worth the extra click, but grab a tissue!  Your heart will burst through your eyes with joy & hope for humanity!

As we enter into the most holy time in the Christian yearly calendar, it is an opportunity to reflect on our how our lives resemble Christ's love for us.  Jesus sacrificed himself to save us from our sins and give us eternal life.  All he asks in return is our love.  How will you show your love for Him to the world?  Will you join with me in trying to never stop doing good?

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24


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