Monday, April 27, 2015

ReAwakening 1 John 4

"We love each other as a result of his loving us first."  1 John 4:19

This is my favorite verse in 1 John 4!  For one reason, it's one of the few things I think I might understand from this chapter.  But, more importantly it explains why we love each other.

1 John 4 continues the theme of repetition.  John seems to say the same things in different ways and I have to admit, that makes my brain hurt.  I wasn't even sure where to start with my underlining!  So, I started with the obvious (brown) and went from there.  I used quite a bit of red (love), with a sprinkling of purple, yellow & blue.  There are still plenty of verses that I haven't color coded yet.  Perhaps, as I read them throughout the week, their meanings will become more clear.  That's one reason I like staying with a chapter for an entire week.  My brain works a little slower than other people's - I have to let things stew before I can even begin to consider what they might mean or how I can apply them.  This week, in particular, I think I'll be referring to the study part of my study Bible for insight & guidance, along with my own SOAK-ing and praying.

But, verse 19 I get!  It is why we try, day in and day out, to do our best to live life with love in our hearts.  To do good, to help others, to be kind, and not just to those we like or love, but to all the world!  The notes in my Bible say it even better: "God's love is the source of all human love, and it spreads like fire.  In loving his children, God kindles a flame in their hearts.  In turn, they love others, who are warmed by God's love through them."  What a beautiful image!  It reminds of the song we all learned in Sunday School, "This Little Light of Mine".

As you study God's word and grow closer to him, feel the fire of His love.  Allow it to glow within you until others see and feel it, too!  How will you warm others with God's love this week?

Be sure to visit the website to leave your comment on this thought, this verse, or your SOAK verse.  I look forward to sharing chapter 4 with you this week.

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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