Thursday, March 6, 2014


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come."  2 Corinthians 517 ESV

Welcome!  I am so glad you are here!  We are currently reading My One Word by Mike Ashcraft and Rachel Olsen.

In an homage to choosing one word for a year, I have decided to listen for one word in each chapter.  Mike packs so much into each chapter, I found it helpful to look for an overall theme.

As I read chapter three, one word kept coming to mind: patience.  This chapter is Mike's 'formula' for choosing a word: his process, thinking, and Scripture.  He lays out an approach that is very helpful in tackling such a daunting task.  And overall I hear him urging us to be patient.  Follow the process, use a pen & paper (because it takes longer to write words than it does to think them), dig into your thoughts and Scripture. Over and over he says things like, "So give this question some in-depth thought.  Don't rush the process.   Approach this patiently.  ...allowing questions to remain questions for some period of time - so that truth can arise."  (pg 45).  In an earlier chapter Mike mentions that his church took the better part of 3 weeks choosing a word.  This is not a process to be rushed; there is no deadline to be met.  Stay with the process and continue to move forward.  It is time well spent.

Even if you think you already know your word for this year, I encourage you to go through the process with an open heart and mind.  Often times it is not about the destination, but the journey.  There is much to be learned along the way.

One thing I found very helpful to me over this past year is choosing a Bible verse to go with my word.  It was this verse that sustained, encouraged and reminded me of my One Word and what it was I was moving towards; who I wanted to become in Christ.  This was my anchor!  It made the difference between this being another self-help workshop and a catalyst for true & lasting change.  I implore you to connect your one word to a verse in the Bible!

Honesty is the word that floated to the surface of chapter four for me.  Maybe you have a different view?  I'd love to know what it is!  We all approach this project from right where we are and see things from various angles.  But if I had to sum up chapter 4 in one word it would be honesty.  I loved Mike's story about his chat over coffee with Jerry!  I know people who fit this scenario and yet, I know that at times I do, too.  It is so easy to think there is something wrong with everyone else, especially when we are self-deceived.  When we are not honest with ourselves, like Jerry or like Dan, it's difficult to move forward with change.  Honesty, especially with oneself, does not come quickly.  When we are self-deceived it is probably a result of years of thought patterns, habits, and covering over.  And just like Rome wasn't built in a day, neither were our self-deceiving ways.  It will take some time and effort to sort through that hall of mirrors to find the real self!

On page 66 Mike lists the three things required for our formation to happen:
1. An accurate view of Christ
2. An accurate view of yourself
3. An accurate view of yourself in Christ
"Regularly looking into Scripture will help with all three."  (pg 66).

So, how are you doing with the reading?  I know this can be a challenge, especially if it's been some time since you've taken a class where note taking is required.  Not that it's required for this study, but I think it's very helpful.  If you are having difficulty, here are some things that I do to help me read, understand, and note things of importance (to me).

1. I write in my book!  It took me a long time to write in my books, but now I do it freely.  I underline (sometimes in multiple colors), star, question, and write other notes as I read.

2. A notebook (or journal)!  I keep my notebook with my book, along with a pen or two.  I take notes by chapter and write the page number of almost everything, so I can more easily find it later.

3. Personalize!  When I'm taking notes, either paraphrasing or quoting, I change the pronouns to make it personal.  For example, on page 61 he writes, "Only when we being to let what we believe affect what we do are we able to embrace the process of formation."  In my notes, I changed all the "we"'s to "I"'s.  Go back and read it, inserting "I" for "we" and you'll see what a more powerful impact it has.  This is also very powerful when reading Scripture.

4. List!  I make the lists; not always how Mike suggests, but I do make the lists.  If you don't have the time to sit quietly to make your list, take a suggestion from the show "My Name Is Earl".  He jotted down his list of things he wanted to change on a little piece of paper and carried it in his wallet.  If you're always on the go, consider making your lists in a small notebook you can throw in your purse and work on it anytime you have a moment or when something comes to mind.

5. Read daily!  Even if it's only half a chapter, or read one day and spend time with the Reflection Questions the next.  This will give you the time you need to follow the  process.  However, the timeline of finishing the book is up to you, which is why I've adopted this new format of blogging 2 chapters at a time and reserving our coffee hour discussions for the video of the day.  This is a very personal project you have chosen to do.    Because we are a group, there is a schedule we'll follow (generally 4 chapters a week) so that our discussions are mutually beneficial and the video series is timely.  But if you are on a chapter I've already posted and want to comment on it - great!  Go to the blog post about that chapter and comment; I'll get your comment and do my best to respond.
P.S. I tend to carry my book to appointments so I can squeeze in some reading while I'm waiting :)

I hope these tips are helpful.  Do you have any other tips you'd like to share?  Working quiet time into our busy lives is a challenge and advice is always welcome.

Comment below on your thoughts, insights, and questions for chapters 3 & 4.  I can't wait to connect with you and hear what you have to say about your My One Word project so far!

Keep reading, keep writing, and keep praying!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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