Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Earth and Water

"And God said, "let the water beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear."  And so it was.  God named the dry ground "land" and the water "seas".  And God saw that it was good."  Genesis 1: 9-10 

Have you figured out your spiritual style based on Corinne Ware's guide?  I am finding it fascinating, but then again, I am mostly Earth, with a strong showing from Air!  Which means, I like this kind of stuff: "thinking" spirituality, the written word has power, love of order, concrete, attempts to make sense of spiritual experiences and give them names!  Describes me and this study to a "T"!  Who else would try to label one's spiritual experiences except an Earth type :)

On Friday I was pushed out of my comfort zone and into the "water".  And it was amazing!!  I am not artsy, though I have a high appreciation and love for art, music, dance, and all things made by human hands.  Personally, I can't draw a stick figure and a blank canvas or lump of clay is just that: a blank, lumpy thing!  But our study is encouraging us to learn about and experience different ways of seeking God, responding to worship, and being spiritual.  So, art supplies were gathered and we ventured into guided meditation.  After allowing the meditation to sit in our minds and hearts for a few minutes, we turned to the water colors, acrylics, and play dough to respond to our experience.  INCREDIBLE!  Afterwards we shared our art, how we felt, what we "saw", and what moved us.   One of the many unexpected results is that often we didn't know exactly why we responded the way we did: a purple house, a red braid of hair.  Some of us had memories stirred and the art reflected that: a jar of nard, a camel, a bowl of peas.  And some responded to the immediate: a rainbow on the hard packed ground, the silhouette of Jesus' head, a free-form poem echoing the meditation, and blue play dough kneaded into nothing in particular.  The process was authentic and the results were rich!

Whether or not you were able to participate last Friday, let me encourage you dip your toe into the "water".  It is refreshing!  As we journey through Holy Week, grab a brush, some clay, or a pen and dare to respond with art from your heart.  Listen to some music that stirs your soul.  Write poetry.  Draw or paint, allowing color to express your emotions.  For more inspiration, here is a link to my friend Jess's blog, Liturgy Beyond Words.  I met her when I was a member of The Presbyterian Church of Morris Plains.  She has since gone off to Seminary and is discovering the world of Liturgical Art.  This is the link to the art work she did during the Palm Sunday sermon.  Her whole blog is very interesting - I hope it inspires you.

Thank you Lisa, for sharing your inspired response from our Friday gathering!  BEAUTIFUL!

The water path is not just about art: it includes being intuitive, extemporaneous prayer, music, evangelism, witnessing and establishing relationships with other people and with God.  In the book, Discover Your Spiritual Type, Ms. Ware says you "seek illumination by heartfelt intuition." (pg 39).  I think that's lovely!

I would love to hear about your artistic response to the Word!  Or what role you think art plays in our spiritual experience.  Have you had a spiritual artful experience that you would like to share?  Comment below and you could be the winner of my next give away!  From those who comment on Art & Spirituality, a random person will be chosen to receive a set of watercolors and a pad of water color paper!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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