Tuesday, April 8, 2014

It All Fits Together

"Use every piece of God's armor to resist the enemy in the time of evil, so that after the battle you will still be standing firm."  Ephesians 6:13

Welcome Spring!  Most people greet spring with great enthusiasm and excitement.  Not me.  Although it's not a popular stance, spring is my least favorite of the four seasons.  I don't get excited until the end of May.  And technically, it's still spring, but March and April hold little appeal for me outside of the fact that some dear friends & family celebrate their birthdays in those months and I do love Easter.  I won't go into all the reasons I am glum & grumpy, but instead turn to one of the verses in my Warrior scripture.

I have been wondering how my word 'warrior' was going to serve me throughout the coming year.  Today, after journaling the happenings of the last few days, I am beginning to see how Ephesians 6:10-18 will help.  I decided to view my glum & grumpy attitude through My Word and this Scripture and it dawned on me that "my time of evil" can be something different for everyone.  

It sounds like some great battle, but it can also mean those little battles I fight every day.  When I want to sit on the sofa, snap at my kids, or yell at the ref who just made a horrible call, I need to resist.  God commands, through Solomon's wise teachings, that I speak "kind words because they are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body" Proverbs 16:24.  He says I should wear the shoes of peace (not get agitated at the ump) and that I will need the shield of faith to protect me from Satan's fiery arrows (that little devil on my shoulder telling me that I have time for one more game on my iPhone, the laundry can wait).  It might seem like a stretch, but these little, daily skirmishes add-up at the end of the day.  I have to decide if I will have a day led by God or a day lost in the muck of selfishness and annoyance.  

What are your 'times of evil'?  Are they little things throughout the day or a big thing that seems impossible to overcome?  Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 19:26, "But with God everything is possible."(NLT).  And as we study God's word together, we are gathering tools to help us draw closer to God and learn to rely on Him.  

Use your One Word to slow down; take a look at the situation through the lens of your word and the Scripture you have chosen.  God will use these tools and lead you.

Use your journal to examine your state of mind, a situation, or just to write what's in your heart and mind.  Journaling your journey will allow you to see how far you have come and recall all the wonderful things God is doing in your life.  I find it amazing what comes about while taking the time to write it out!

And as we explore our Spiritual Style, we will gain an understanding of what stirs us, fulfills us, and how we best experience our spirituality.  If you haven't already done so, flip ahead in the packet to read the "Dominant characteristics" and "Worship & Theology" of the different paths.  It's fascinating!

I am excited to learn how our different spiritual paths connect, support and compliment each other.  
And how knowing our paths will enhance our use of our One Word, our journals, our gatherings and how we each have our own style of growing closer to the woman God created us to be.

A Giveaway!!

For a chance to win a journal & pen share your response to discovering your personal spiritual style/path in the comment section.  Do the characteristics fit you?  Were you surprised by the outcome?  A winner will be chosen at random from qualifying comments on April 15th.

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24


Paula said...

I was equally divided between Earth and Fire. While most of me is not surprised.... as attributes from both seem to fit my spiritual style. Earth Path seems like the "traditional, old-fashioned church goer". Maybe I really AM in that category. Fire Path seems a bit negative in perception. Both descriptors seem to fit. I will be interested to learn more!

Shelly said...

That is fascinating, Paula! Equality between Earth and Fire for you makes sense. You are rooted in words, knowledge, and always wanting to learn more. You are a focused leader, with strong opinions and you are active in serving others. What a wonderful insight into how you experience worship!