Monday, May 11, 2015

ReAwakening 2 John 1-2

"Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning."  2 John 1:6

Welcome!  This week we are reading 2 John, chapters 1 & 2.  The chapters are so short, the verses are numbered straight through; just 13 verses for the entire book.  I know, it's getting nice out and the garden is calling, but trust me, you can read 13 verses sometime over the course of this week.

Yesterday we drove to the University of Rhode Island to bring home our oldest child from her first year of college!  What a day!  Probably one of the best Mother's Day ever - having all my kids together again!  And it was quite a year - for her and for me.  Parenting from afar has it's challenges.  I'm grateful she often reached out to me to share her difficulties and frustrations.  One of the things my husband and I reinforced is encapsulated in the verse above: "...he has commanded us to love one another..." .  It didn't always take this form; more often than not, it was in reminding her of who she is and what she knows to be the right thing to do.  However, I was most impressed with how she often handled situations and  people completely on her own.  She truly did love others, just as God commanded.  I could give you a ton of examples, like when she jumped in between a guy who was hitting a girl, the time she helped removed a bee from a girl's hair who was deathly allergic to bees, and when she noticed that a teammate was 'not herself' and offered a listening ear.  I could go on, but I won't.  Let's just say I'm very proud of who she is becoming!  I hope you will forgive the gushing ;)  But finally, the hard work of parenting is starting to show!!

She is living out just what my study Bible says is the command to "love one another".  We have heard this command before, most recently in 1 John 2:7.  Let me share with you what the notes in the study Bible say concerning this verse:

"The statement that Christians should love one another is a recurrent New Testament theme.  Yet love for one's neighbor is an old command, first appearing in the third book of Moses (Leviticus 19:18).  We can show love in many ways: by avoiding prejudice and discrimination, by accepting people, by listening, helping, giving, serving, and refusing to judge.  Knowing God's command is not enough.  We must put in into practice, "doing what God has commanded us"  (see also Matthew 22:37-39 & 1 John 2:7, 8)

We hear once again the call to take action.  Christianity is not a passive faith.  We are called to go out into the world and actively love one another.  Showing that we are children of God is a powerful testament of His love.  How do you show the world that you are a child of God?  We all have our own style of doing things, our own passions & talents.  

Here are some of the ways I have seen people show God's love for one another:

* serving those in need (Faith Kitchen & Family Promise right in our own community)
* listening to a friend or even a stranger who 'needs to talk'
* accepting people for who they are
* giving time and/or money to help the church and those in need
* making prayer shawls and chemo caps
* enlisting support for families facing a crisis
* offering words of support & encouragement, rather than judgement
* building a school in Africa
* building a church in the Dominican Republic
* lifting women and girls out of human trafficking in India

Loving our neighbor will look different for each of us.  Won't you share how you show love for your neighbor?  Perhaps a story of a particular time when you showed love, were shown love, or were a witness of this amazing love.  No act of love is too small to share.  The more we show it and the more we notice it, the more it will seem that the world is filled with it!

As Christians, our challenge today and every day, is to fill the world with the Love of Christ.  To show and share His love, in a real and radical way.  Praying is essential, but we are called to action too!  What action, big or small, are you taking today so that the world will know you are Christian by your love?

For inspiration, click here!  And check out all the websites on the left under "Inspiration".
Remember, if you are reading this in your e-mail, you have to go to the blog, to see the "Inspiration" links and to leave a Comment.

I can't wait to read how you are showing " to one another..." (2 John 1:6)!!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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