Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Morning Dovotions for a good day!

"I wait quietly before God, for my salvation comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken."  Psalm 62:1-2

Good Morning!

What a beautiful summer day!  I hope this post finds you all enjoying these warm, sunshiny days.  I miss meeting together with you and though I want the remainder of the summer to go as slowly as possible, I do look forward to seeing you again regularly in September with our next book, "The Girl's Still Got It" by Liz Curtis Higgs.

In the meantime....

We have talked about how important it is to stay in The Word daily.  Giving part of each day to spending quiet time with God to renew and strengthen us for the day ahead; to secure His teachings in our hearts; to be spiritually fed every day so that we can become the woman God designed each of us to be.  Proverbs 31 Ministries  is a strong believer in this; several of their leaders have studies and/or groups that encourage starting the day with devotion.  This summer we have been following one of those groups' formats, "Good Morning Girls".  How have you been doing? 
Me - not so great :(  

I'm good with my evening prayer.  You know, the one at bedtime that I sometimes drift off to sleep in the middle of!  I guess it comes from my childhood and teaching my own children to pray before falling off to sleep.  
My mornings are for coffee & breakfast, vitamins & dog medicine, forcing kids out of bed and making them breakfast, throwing in a load of laundry, and figuring out what I'm doing for the rest of the day!  Mornings are a time of action, not meditation. 
However, when I talk to people who spend a few minutes every morning of quiet meditation and prayer, even at the expense of sleep, they possess an attitude of positive energy I admire.  So I have been working on it; some days are better than others.  I'm okay with the fact that it's a work in progress.  I cannot change decades of ingrained habits in a matter of a few weeks.  I continue to do my best to start the day by giving my first thoughts to God and asking that he be with me throughout the day.  I hope you will continue to do this, too.

Did you know there's an app for that?!  Yes, Proverbs 31 Ministries has developed an app to help you spend the first 5 minutes of your day in The Word!  If you are technology inclined or not, it's a great, simple app that makes it just as easy to read Scripture in the morning as it is to check your e-mail! 
Click here to read more about the free app and a devotion from P31!  It's worth the click!!

Perhaps you already have a morning devotion you enjoy, but if you don't and have been looking for something to help, check out the free app, First 5.   I have been using it for a few days and I like it.  There are a few things I would like to be improved, but overall this app has me reading Scripture before my feet touch the ground in the morning!

I know the blog posts have been few & far between the last few weeks and I can't promise they'll be any better in the next few (camping trip coming up all next week), but I will post a few things before the end of summer!  Honestly, I don't know how bloggers do it every day - they must not sleep or have someone else take care of their daily "life things" like cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.  I love posting, but lately life is just a little scattered. You know what I'm talking about :)

I'd love to hear how your summer is going.  How have you been staying in the Word, your struggles & victories with daily devotion.  Insights & questions  you've been pondering.  Adventures far & near.   

Have a fabulous day!  I miss you!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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