Tuesday, October 6, 2015

TGSGI Chapter 5

"Now there was a wealthy and influential man in Bethlehem named Boaz, who was a relative of Naomi's husband, Elimelech."  Ruth 2:1

Oooo, something good this way comes!

First: yea!  My computer is working today and has allowed me to hop on here and write to you!  And I'm glad because this chapter is so exciting!  Ok, not action-movie exciting, but almost.

The opening verse gives us a glimpse of this guy, Boaz before he actually shows up in the story.  That's a teaser, not a spoiler alert.  It makes what comes later, that much more exciting.  Think about when you're watching a movie and you know what's going to happen, but the character doesn't.  How do you react?  I usually yell at the screen, "No, don't go in there!"  or "Yes!  You are going to love this!" depending on the scene.  Knowing what's going to happen doesn't make it any less thrilling and in fact, sometimes ramps us the excitement.  So it was with the ancient audience who was listening to this story and for us as we read it today.

We have the flash forward and then back to 'the present' in verse 2.  Ruth, this strong, independent woman suggests that she go glean in the fields.  Wow!  She's willing to do whatever it takes to make a life for herself and for Naomi now that they are in Bethlehem.  And she just so happens to wind up in Boaz's field?  Did you see that coming?  Of course you did, otherwise why mention him in the first verse!  Now do you see how things are unfolding.  This story is really getting good.

But my favorite part isn't directly found in Ruth.  Oh, the original listeners would have known this fact, but we miss it in the 21st Century because we don't hear these stories over & over again.  They aren't a part of our heritage and our gatherings.  But here's the juicy part: Boaz's mother was Rahab!!  Oh my goodness!  When I read that (on page 66) I just about yelled, 'shut the front door!'  This adds so many layers to this guy, this story, and their relationship.  I love it!  Am I too excited about this?  Am I that much of a book geek?  Maybe, but I just can't help myself.  I love a good story and the fact that's it's a Biblical story, just makes it that much better!

There's a lot more good stuff in these first few verses of chapter 2.  What was your favorite part?  What in Liz's writing helped you more fully understand these verses?  Was there any part that made you want to 'yell at the screen'?

After reading Ruth 2:1-7 and chapter 5 in The Girl's Still Got It, spend some time diving deeper into your heart with the study guide questions in the back of the book.  If you're joining the live discussion on Friday morning, be ready with some thoughts on omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent and the concept of providence.

I'd love to hear what you think of this chapter and this part of Ruth, the story, and the characters Ruth, Naomi, & Boaz!  Leave your thoughts, ideas, and conversation starters in the Comment section!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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