Monday, September 21, 2015

TGSGI - Chapter 3

"When Naomi saw that Ruth was determined to go with her, she said nothing more."  Ruth 1:18

Welcome to chapter 3 of "The Girl's Still Got It"!  In this chapter Liz breaks down 4 short verses that are filled with high drama, bold exclamations, deep commitment, and emotion.

Last week we wondered what life Orpah & Ruth had to go back to: could they find new husbands after being married to Israelites?  Were they welcome in their mother's homes after being childless widows?  Was Naomi looking out for them or for herself by suggesting they return?  I like to think that returning to their families was a smart move; that finding new husbands was possible and that they would be allowed, if not welcomed, back home.  Otherwise, their initial decision to leave with Naomi would not be significant.  And Ruth's conviction to stay with Naomi would not be divine.

As we read Liz's dramatic interpretation of Ruth 1:14-18, she paints a vivid picture of Ruth and Naomi.  As Orpah starts back toward Moab, Naomi tries again to urge Ruth to go with her.  But, Ruth's response is defiant and courageous and (I think) divinely inspired.  Liz helps us to understand the importance and the impact Ruth's words are having on Naomi.  We have heard these words before, so often perhaps, that they have lost a bit of their edge.  But, imagine hearing these words spoken to you or by you during a crossroads in your life.  Perhaps you have... how did that moment change your life?

I'm not fully convinced on every aspect of Liz's imagining of Naomi.  She did a lot of research and Naomi's words and actions do lend themselves to a certain personality, but I'm not buying in 100% to her dramatization.  Mostly because I'm about Naomi's age (though not exactly her time of life) and as I read the book of Ruth, I find myself relating to her more than to Ruth.  I tend to be a bit of a complainer, even in the midst of doing something I don't want to do, but know it's right thing to do.  So, when we read verse 18 (above) and Liz & other scholars interprets it as "angry, fearful, exhausted, sullen, depressed, beaten down" (pg. 52) I disagree.

On page 45, Liz brings up the possibility that Naomi is testing her daughters-in-law, in a roundabout way.  This makes total sense to me!  To explain my thought process would take a short paper, so I won't get into that.  But, let the idea sit with you for a bit and see how it changes your view of this turning point.  In the end, I think Naomi's silence is her own turning point.  After all, what more is there to say after seeing the work God did in Ruth's heart?  The test was over and is it possible, that Naomi had a slight smile on her lips?  Could she be pleased that she will have a loving, strong, courageous companion for the rest of her days?  Not that Naomi would let on - that tough exterior built up over the last 10 years will take some time to completely fall away.

A few other things to really pay attention to:
*  "But"... on page 46 Liz expands on this storytelling tool.  It's what makes stories so exciting!!
* The idea of leaving everything you know and embracing a whole new way of life - talk about an exciting & scary adventure! (page 48-49; Kindle readers: after "Your people will be my people...").
* We plant seeds, but the Lord changes hearts (page 49; Kindle: under the heading THE BIG ONE )

To deepen your understanding and your faith, spend some time answering the Study Guide questions in the back of the book.  This time spent in quiet reflection of how the stories of the Bible are connected to each other and how they inform and impact our lives, is where faith grows in breadth and depth.

Part "b" of question 2 is one we will specifically discuss.  Feel free to start the discussion in the comment section below or (click here to go to the blog).  We'll make a list on Friday and I'll share it in it's entirety (a combination of blog comments and the Friday list) on the blog next week.  I can't wait to see what you each come up with!   Other comments and questions are welcome, too!

Don't forget, we are collecting much needed women's products this Friday.  Thank you for your generous donations.  In this way we are doing God's work with our hands and directly impacting our community, helping those in need.

Your Partner in Ministry,

"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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