Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fruit of the Spirit - Week 2 - JOY

"But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.  Here there is no conflict with the law."  Galatians 5: 22-23

JOY!  This is one of my favorite words!  I use it almost as much as I use 'Love' to express happiness & excitement.  I often wish people joy on their birthday, anniversary, or other special occasions. 

Joy, according to the dictionary: The condition, feeling, expression or manifestation of great pleasure or happiness; delight.   Our reading this week in Luke 24:33-53, seems to support that definition.  

Unlike the revelation that Love can be a choice rather than an emotion, we discover that Joy is an emotion!  And we can be filled with it, even when we are also experiencing other, seemingly contradictory emotions, "Still they stood there doubting, filled with joy and wonder." Luke 24: 41a  How is that possible?! Have you ever experienced this?  Take a minute to jot down that experience in your study guide or journal or share with the Re: community.

As you work through the study guide this week, try to picture & hear the disciples.  Imagine, if you can, all that they were feeling after Jesus was crucified and buried, and at the news the women brought back that his body was not in the tomb!  (Read Luke 24: 13-32 for background and events leading up to our reading).  They had put themselves 'out there' by following Jesus and proclaiming Him the Messiah.  They had big dreams of what the future held for them as followers of Jesus!  Those dreams seemed to vanish with His death.  But could there be hope in this news that the women brought?  It seemed too good to be true.  How could their dreams come true with their leader dead & missing?

Throughout the reading, Jesus takes many steps to prove He is risen, not a ghost or impostor.  In Acts 1:1-3, Luke says that Jesus spent 40 days appearing to the apostles from time to time proving that He was actually alive.  This proof upon proof fills His followers with Joy!  How would you feel if you had been there to see, hear, and feel what they did? Many of Ms. Offner's questions help you work through this.  When you get to questions #9 & #10, I strongly recommend checking in the back of the book where the "answers" are, pg. 48.  She refers to many more passages in Scripture to help give a fuller understanding of her questions.

Finally, read John 15-16 at some point during the week.  Here, Jesus speaks plainly about Fruit, Love, Joy, and the Holy Spirit.  Allow His words to sink into your heart and mind.  Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand His words and show you how to experience Christian Joy and share it with others.

I am so excited to talk with you about Joy, in person and here on the blog!!

Your Partner in Ministry,

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Loved that you all were willing to go 'off book' with me today! thank you <3