"Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid of them! The Lord your God will go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6
Awaiting the coming storm is a good time to reflect on last week's study of PEACE.
As we read in Isaiah 43:1-7, we will not be free from adversity because of His Peace. As children of God we will have His Peace even when we face "great trouble" and "walk through the fire of oppression" (v2). Through the hurricanes in our life, actual and metaphorical, we can rest assure that God is there with us. His promise is that no matter what we do, if we claim Him as our God, He will protect us and He loves us (v4). We are never alone in our circumstances!
On Friday morning, we talked about ways to become close to God, which will help us to trust Him and believe His promises, especially the promise of Peace. First, we thought of a person with whom we share love, trust, and understanding. Then we talked about how we can get to know God in similar ways. We agreed that spending time with God, inviting Him into our lives daily, especially through prayer and reading His Word, is very important. Honesty is also essential.
I don't know about you, but doing this daily is a challenge for me! Life is crazy, and although I try to pray every day, it's usually at the end of the day, as a list of 'thank yous' and requests for people who are in need. I'd like to be able to start my day or incorporate prayer into my day, but I'm just not sure how to get into the habit. And, just like He promises, "Yes, ask anything in my name, and I will do it!" John 14:14, I found a way to add prayer to my daily life!
In an article in the September 2012 issue of P31 Women entitled "A New Way to Pray" by Kathi Lipp, the author relates how she always responded with panic and preparation to anxious times in her life. Until she discovered a better response: prayer. She has a verse "locked and loaded in my brain so I'm ready to go when panic strikes." ~Kathy Lipp. She explains all the ways she uses a verse and the benefits of "Praying God's own words back to Him" ~Kathy Lipp. She concludes with this thought, "And every time I turned to God, I felt the peace that comes only from knowing that He is in complete control - of Roger's job, of our finances, of my future, of everything." ~Kathy Lipp.
The verse at the top of this post is my Confirmation verse and one that I have come to rely on in times of need! I often wondered how my pastor knew this verse would be just what I needed throughout my life. But then, I know he prayed about it and listened for God's guidance in giving us our verses. Deuteronomy 31:6 is a verse that reminds me of God's Peace, that I am never alone, no matter how much I feel alone, and that God 'has my back'. This verse gives me strength, courage, & peace every time I pray it.
Do you have a verse "locked & loaded" or a favorite verse about Peace? Click 'Comment' below and share it :) If you don't yet have a verse, perhaps one that someone has shared will inspire you. Pray that God leads you to a verse that you can rely on in anxious times.
Your Partner in Ministry,
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