Monday, October 1, 2012


Re: will not meet at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Friday, October 5th!

This week we will meet completely online, here on the blog!  So grab your favorite beverage, your Bible, & study guide, and meet with the whole Re: community on your own time on your computer!

I look forward to reading every one's comments on Sapphira, a woman who was dishonest with the Holy Spirit and paid dearly for it!!  It reminds me of a scene from "The Godfather"!  I've only seen bits and pieces of that movie, but it scares me and the actions of God in this passage are scary!  Shocking, really!!

Read Act 4:32-5:11 and work through the questions in chapter 7 of the study guide.
Do you identify with anyone in this story: Barnabas, Ananias, Sapphira, Peter?   Before you say 'no', let me direct you to Ms. LePeau's phrasing in question 6, "In what ways are you tempted to lie to the Holy Spirit, other believers or yourself?"  Oh, ouch!  I'm guilty for sure.

It is a shocking story, but I don't think fear and shock is what Luke, the writer of Acts, intends for us to take away from it.  He's telling us about a situation that happened in the early church.  What do you think his purpose is in telling us this particular tale?

Is it really so difficult to be honest to ourselves, each other, and the Holy Spirit?  Who's up for trying it this week?!

In the comment section share your reaction to this story and if you'd like to share your thoughts on any particular question from the study guide, we'd love to read them!

Re: will meet live on Friday, October 12 at 9:15 am!  We will start a new study, Fruit of the Spirit.  Contact me for a study guide or get one on your own.  I can't wait to get started!! 

Your Partner in Ministy,

1 comment:

Shelly said...

So, how did you do with the 'honesty challenge' this past week? I think I did okay. I had to pull my oldest daughter out of school early on Friday for a softball tournament, so instead of making up an excuse, I just stated that she'd be picked up at 11am and would not be returning to school. Even if I had said it was for an appointment, it would have been unexcused, so why put a lie of an excuse on my conscience? For me, that was a step in the right direction of honesty. And when my daughter told her teachers that she would be missing their class, she was honest as to why - for softball. She was surprised at how many wished her luck and expressed their support of her endeavour. She'll miss at least 2 more Friday's this month and I think we'll stick with the honest excuse as to why :)