Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A close, personal Redeemer

"God replied, "I AM WHO I AM.  Just tell them, 'I AM has sent me to you.'"  Exodus 3:14 (NLT)

Have you ever felt like God is just up there, far away and uninterested in life here on earth?  I have and suspect that even the most devout have too, even if it was fleetingly.  Sometimes, when life is difficult, we wonder if God takes any notice.

He does!  In the reading for this week, Exodus 3: 1-20, we meet THE LORD, YAHWEH, "... a name closely linked to God's redeeming acts in the history of his chosen people". (The Names of God,  by Ann Spangler, pg 33)  It is in the character of this name, YAHWEH, that we take comfort that God has been and will be, always present with those who "... obey the commands of the LORD your God and walk in his ways, the LORD will establish you as his holy people as he solemnly promised to do."  Deut. 28:9.

In our reading, Moses is called in a not-so-subtle, yet very private & personal way, to lead God's people out of Egypt.  He comes to Moses, they have a conversation in which God tells him of His concerns about the Israelites, and of the rescue that Moses will lead in His name.  Moses questions God's choice in leadership, but God assures him and promises to be with him.  It is this revelation of WHO God is that will ensure Moses' success as leader, fulfilling God's command.

I have always loved this story, but most often focused on the big, miraculous, exciting things that happened.  Today, thanks to the questions in our study, I am focused more on what God reveals about himself and what that means to me.  What is God revealing to you?  Write down your answers as they first come to you.  But don't forget about it as you go about your life.  Allow the questions and the Scripture to remain with you throughout your day and your week.  Come back to the questions later and see if your perspective has changed or more has been revealed as you spend time with God's Word.

The next time you have a conversation with God and He calls you to something you don't think you can do, call on YAHWEH.  When you feel like God is far away, pray to THE LORD, YAHWEH  and remember His promises.  YAHWEH  IS and always WILL BE, He is with us,  He is merciful, gracious, rich in unfailing love and forgiveness; He is a strong fortress and will save us from our sins.  These words and many more descriptions of YAHWEH can be found in the "passages for continued study" on page 37.  As you read through these passages, make note of the descriptors of THE LORD.  What comfort and strength do you receive from them?  If you don't yet have the book, I am happy to list the passages in the comments,  just ask :)

In your journal this week, write about a time when you met THE LORD, YAHWEH.  Your experience may not have included a burning bush, but anytime God is with us during a challenge is significant.  As you recall the time, reflect on how you felt before, during, and after.  Record how the experience effected you and those around you.

"May the LORD bless you and protect you.  May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you.  May the LORD show you his favor and give you his peace."  Numbers 6: 24-26

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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