Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Master and Servant

Moses said to the LORD (Yahweh), "O Lord (ADONAY), I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant.  I am slow of speech and tongue."   13.  But Moses said, "O Lord (ADONAY), please send someone else to do it."  Exodus 4: 10, 13

This week we continue in Moses' story as we discover our relationship with ADONAY, Lord, Master.  In the passages above, Moses addresses God as Adonay, acknowledging that God is his Master at the same time he is questioning God's calling.

Take a minute... have you ever done this?  I know I have, probably way too often.  And then I wonder, 'how can I question God's choice!?  That's pretty brazen!  And not how I should respond, regardless of what I think about myself.'  Then I get into the whole downward spiral of beating myself up for questioning God and not feeling worthy of His calling.  It's a rabbit hole of negativity that I find myself falling down.  Have you been down that rabbit hole?

The Good News is that ADONAY doesn't allow us to fall too far, especially when He is the one giving us a task.  He is our Master and calls us to do His work, not our own.  He equips us, even when we doubt ourselves.  And when we really doubt our ability, like Moses did, He allays our fears by sending help.  Yahweh, our personal redeemer, sends someone to grab our ankle and pull us up out of the rabbit hole, like Aaron did for Moses.  Aaron came alongside Moses to carry out the Lord Master's plan of setting His people free.

My personal 'rabbit hole' is trying to figure out what it all means... As I'm reading the Bible I often wonder 'what was God thinking?!  What was the point?  Why did God or a person make that choice?  What am I suppose to get from this story?'  While exploring, wondering, and questioning can be useful tools to a deeper understanding and faith, they can also set a trap of out of control questions, guesses, and tangents that take me further away from the Truth.  When I notice that I've gone down that twisting, twirling tangent I listen for God's voice, I pray for guidance back out of that dark hole and on to the right path.  I return always to the truth of God's love for me, that He is both Adonay (Lord, Master) and Yahweh (LORD, always near).  I am His servant; He loves me and would not ask of me anything that He cannot do through me.  He has given me a brain with which to gain knowledge, help others and I should use it for good, not for questioning God's command.

As you work through the study questions on page 40 and 41, take the time to write out your answers (either in the book or in your journal).  Spend some extra time on questions 4 and 6.  Try to be very honest with yourself, though it's not always easy to do.  And for question 6, if there has been someone specifically who has come alongside you, allow this to be an opportunity to acknowledge them.  Reach out to them and let them know how thankful you are.  Perhaps they are unaware of your gratitude.  Either way, it's always nice to hear a word of thanks!

REMINDER: We will not meet at Redeemer this week, Oct 31st or next week, Nov 7th due to numerous conflicts.  Keep reading and I will keep posting; we can have our study right here on the blog over the next 2 weeks!  I look forward to reading your comments and discussing "ADONAY  LORD, MASTER" with you.  Click here to post your comment.
For next week, read "YAHWEH ROPHE THE LORD WHO HEALS".

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24

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