"Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns." Genesis 22:13a
Have you ever found yourself at the corner of "a rock and a hard place"? What did you do? Where did you turn? What was the state of your heart?
In this week's study, we are exploring YAHWEH YIREH, The Lord Will Provide.
The verse above is taken from the larger story found in Genesis 22. God tests Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his only and long awaited for son, Isaac. Personally, I have gone through the gamut of emotions with this passage over the years. From horror that God would ask such a thing, to horror that Abraham would go as far as he did! I've also been sad, mad, confused, worried and scared.
I've even put myself in Sarah's shoes a few times and wondered what she was thinking as her husband & son went off into the dessert. Did she have a feeling something was amiss? I truly struggled with the whole idea that God would put his trusted servant to the test in this way. Hadn't Abraham already proven how faithful his was? And by extension, if He tested Abraham like this, what could He have in store for me?! I'm not up to that kind of test!
However, as I read it with the understanding of The Lord Will Provide, I see that perhaps this is as much a test for us, the readers, as it was for Abraham. Perhaps we are meant to struggle with this story of belief, faith, sacrifice, and provision. Maybe we're suppose to move forward, one step at a time, and allow God to provide for our future, just as Abraham trusted that God would provide a lamb for the sacrifice.
Our author, Ann Spangler, brings this idea to light when she asks us to compare this scene with John 1:29, where John the Baptist declares Jesus as the Lamb of God. Spend some time with question 3. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the connection between the scenes AND how it relates to your life.
When have you met YAHWEH YIREH? When has The Lord provided for you? I'd love to read your story of provision! Don't forget, click here to go to the website to Comment, if you are reading this in your e-mail.
I look forward to seeing many of you in person on Friday morning! Remember, though, this is also for those who cannot make it in person. Follow along in the book (The Names of God by Ann Spangler) and connect with the group through the comments. If you are a friend or member of our home church, Redeemer Lutheran, connect with us during other events and on Sunday mornings! If you are joining us through this blog and live in the area, we'd love to meet you at Redeemer! Go to our website for all the details of where & when.
Your Partner in Ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
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