"Social protocol states when a friend is upset, you offer them a hot beverage, such as tea." Sheldon Cooper, "Big Bang Theory"
Yesterday, I shared that my SOAK verse is 19 from 1 John 4, "We love each other as a result of his loving us first." and that the notes described this love like a flame, kindled in our hearts, which in turn allows us to love others and we are all warmed by God's love.
As I drank my tea and made my coffee this morning (yes, I drink both!) I thought about how these hot beverages warm my hands, my mouth, and how soothing they are as they flow down my throat and into my belly. That brought to mind one of my favorite TV shows and the quirky Sheldon Cooper. He's the epitome of social awkwardness and isn't very good at picking up social cues, but he has learned, from his Texan Christian mother, a few things to make his friends feel loved. One of them is offering a hot beverage when a friend is upset. That brought to mind verse 19, in a round about way.
Stick with me here -I know it's not easy to follow my twisty-turney train of thought, but I promise we are not headed for a derailment.
What do you do when a friend is upset? Do you put the kettle on? Meet them for coffee? Take them out to lunch? We're not always in a position to offer food or a hot beverage, but if we are, we do. It's only natural. And when we can't pour a cup of soothing Sleepytime Tea, what do we offer? A listening ear, a tender touch, a warm hug: all acts of love to a friend in need. A love that was kindled in our hearts because God first loved us.
Now will you allow me to be so bold as to suggest that we don't have to wait until a friend (or stranger) is in need to offer them a hot beverage or a warm hug! Sharing God's love is something we should do freely everyday.
Let me parlay this into food terms...
When you reached for a piece of gum, did you offer some to those around you? When you were out with friends and headed to get a drink, did you ask everyone if they wanted anything? When you left work to grab lunch, did you go alone or did you ask who else wanted to go or offer to bring something back for them? Of course you did all of these things at some point or other. Most of the time we do them without even thinking about it. But when was the last time you shared your faith or showed love towards those people through patience, kindness, generosity, or mercy?
Just imagine if we shared God's love as if it were a pack of gum! We'd be giving it away all the time! And remember, John says we need to "stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions." 1 John 3:18 . So, while we may not go around speaking our faith and loudly proclaiming that we are children of God, we can certainly share that kindled flame by warming the world around us.
I'd love to know your favorite foods and/or beverages to share with friends and family! A BBQ in the summer; a hearty oven meal in the winter; a fun night out at the pizza shop; cold brewskies; a favorite bottle of wine? Remember, if you're reading this in your e-mail, you have to go to the blog to add your comments to this post! I can't wait to hear how you spread warmth & love through food & drink!
Your partner in ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
Pizza! On Friday's my family orders pizza (I just can't make good pizza) and watches a movie at home. No going out to a crowded pizza shop. It has become our thing. We have tried several pizzerias and rated their pizza and stromboli. If a new shop opens, we give them a try. We sometimes mix it up with subs or a salad, but a plain cheese pizza is the main attraction. It's our special family time and there's something comforting and loving about eating pizza with the family (and anyone else who happens to be with us) on a Friday night after a long week of school & work & activities.
My other favorite is to share a hot beverage or a light lunch with a girlfriend or two! It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's the highlight of my week!
I love Friday night family night. We will order pizza, subs or salad and sit down all together and have a relaxing meal together. Depending on the season we will watch a movie or swim in the pool until real late. (11pm) We usually are by ourselves but occasionally have another family join us. This is a really important time for our family to discuss the upcoming week or what ever else someone would like to talk about. Family time is a good time!!
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