"So think clearly and exercise self-control. Look forward to the special blessings that will come to you at the return of Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 1:13
My summer has not yet started even though it's the middle of June! Our schools are still in session this week (half days of exams for the high school kids and mostly fun & games for the elementary), but they are still in school. The days of sleeping in and being unencumbered by a schedule are still a week away. In these last days it is very difficult to roll out of bed on time, to stay focused on final projects and tests. We are distracted by the approaching excitement of freedom from the daily grind and the upcoming vacations that are planned. It is with great anticipation that we await the glory days of summer!
In the midst of all this hoopla and planning of summer activities, I open my Bible and read Peter's words: "think clearly and exercise self-control". He seems to be saying the exact opposite of what I hoped the next 9 weeks would be. Summer is a time of indulgence (lazing by a pool, ocean or lake), ice cream in the middle of the week, sleeping in, and doing as little 'thinking' as possible. Even if it's not for the entire summer, it is a time when we take a vacation and let loose for at least a week! So, Peter's words knocked the wind out of my summer sails for a moment.
We all know what happens when we throw thinking to the summer wind for 9 weeks! We lose knowledge, we become undisciplined, lazy and by the start of the next school year getting back into a schedule is extremely difficult. Learning becomes a chore and don't even get me started on waking-up on time! It is so easy to fall into a summer slump of indulgence.
So it is with our faith. When we are away from God's word for an extended time, it is easy to lose our way. How have you been doing with your summer S.O.A.K. and reading? Personally, it's been a bit of a challenge to fit it in. My youngest was sick for an entire week, my middle child turned 16, and I've been playing catch-up or get-ready for several weeks of household chores. Yes, my Bible reading has suffered and my soul has felt it, and it's not even summer vacation yet!
If you are like me, and finding it difficult to grab a few minutes to spend reading God's word, don't stop trying! On the days you can't read, continue to pray and live out the Good News as you go about your day. The word strengthens and encourages us, but how we live our daily lives shows the world that we belong to Christ!
In our reading, the Apostle Peter (the guy who cut off a guard's ear and then denied Jesus 3 times) is writing to early Christians who have been scattered and suffering persecution. Under Emperor Nero, Christians in Rome were blamed for the 'burning of Rome' and were tortured and killed for their faith in the public arena. Peter's letters were written and sent, (probably from Rome) to those scattered throughout Asia Minor. The purpose of his letter is to comfort and encourage believers everywhere, especially new believers.
If you feel scattered or discouraged, read Peter's letter as if it was written especially for you (because, in a way, it was). Be strengthened by his words and by the example of the life he lived. Even though he stumbled, he never stopped being a follower of Christ. Peter, formerly Simon Peter, was renamed by Jesus and was told he would be the "rock" on which the church would be built. He did not become a disciple because he was perfect for the job; he was changed by God's love to be the perfect example for us.
As I embark on a summer of activities, please forgive my lack of posting when it happens. Like Peter, I go through times of great enthusiasm and times of being scattered & undisciplined. Summer usually finds me scattered, both physically and mentally. But, I hope you will continue to follow the reading schedule, S.O.A.K. in your journal, and comment on the blog. We are called to live in community and share our faith, but remember that our God desires a personal relationship with each of us and one of the best ways to grow that relationship is through reading His Word and prayer.
Take a lesson from Peter's life, "It is better to be a follower who sometimes fails than one who fails to follow", Life Application Study Bible, Profile of Peter, pg. 1469.
Here's to a summer of learning that when we fall (in our faith and our life), we should get back up and continue on our way- down the path that God has built for us!
Your Partner in Ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
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