Monday, June 1, 2015

ReAwakening: Jude 1-2

"But you, dear friends, must continue to build your lives on the foundation of your holy faith.  And continue to pray as you are directed by the Holy Spirit."  Jude 2:20

Hey, Jude!  Thanks for the warning!  As we read Jude's letter, we realize something is afoot in the early church.  Jude was going to write a letter about salvation - I'm guessing a more uplifting subject than what he actually writes.  But, he gets wind that there's some treachery going on and decides to write a letter of warning and encouragement.

Jude warns against false teachers, false leaders, and apostasy (turning away from Christ).  These were very real dangers within the early church.  I think it comes as no surprise that they are very real dangers today (maybe even more so?).  We are bombarded with so much information coming from so many different places and people, it's sometimes difficult to know who to believe.   Jude describes these kinds of people, starting in verse 8, so we can keep an eye out for them.  He goes on to describe them using metaphors, because sometimes you just "get a feeling" about someone and can't quite put your finger on what it is about them that isn't quite right.  Perhaps the metaphor is helpful in those times.  But he wraps it up pretty clearly when he says, "These people are grumblers and complainers, doing whatever evil they feel like.  They are loudmouthed braggarts, and they flatter others to get favors in return."  Jude 1:16. 

But, don't be fooled.  People like this are usually intelligent and often have seemingly good qualities, causing people to overlook the bad.  Or they hope to change them.   Jude addresses this in verses 4-7, 12, and 14-15.  This letter is a warning to be on guard, to not be duped, by "...some godless people (who) have wormed their way in among you, saying that God's forgiveness allows us to live immoral lives." Jude 1:4.  This reminds me of the saying, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."  The world has changed a great deal since A.D. 65, when this letter was written, yet we are still dealing with many of the same issues within the church and society.

So as not to be dragged down or thrust into a state of paranoia, I look to Jude's words of encouragement.  They are peppered throughout the letter: beginning, middle and end.  The verse at the top is my favorite of them.  It reminds me that I already have a foundation and encourages me to continue to do what I've been doing and tells me how, "... continue to pray as you are directed by the Holy Spirit." Jude 2:20b.  He uses other wonderful verbs like "Live", "Show", and "Rescue".   Jude writes in very real and relatable language, making it a little easier for me to understand and be able to act on my faith (recall John's letters & his call to action?).

What did you discover in Jude's letter?  Share your thoughts about Jude and his warnings to us and the early church.  Who do you think false teachers are in today's world?  Is there a verse that strikes a chord in your heart?  Scroll down, or if you're reading this in your e-mail click here to go to the blog, and leave a comment.  I can't wait to hear your take on this letter written by Jesus' half-brother!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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