"It is God's will that your good lives should silence those who make foolish accusations against you." 1 Peter 2:15
Every once in a while I come across a person who seems to not like me, just because. I'm one of those people who wants everyone one to like me - at least until I give them a real reason not to! So, when one of those kinds of people comes into my life, I spend way too much time and energy worrying about that 'relationship'. Often times, it's not even a relationship yet, it's just an acquaintanceship (is that a word?). Anyway, I ruminate over conversations trying to figure out if I said something offensive, I plan my next encounter with that person, so that I can be my best in their presence. I even ask for advice from people who know that person well, as to how I should act or approach our next meeting. It rolls around in the back of my brain daily, taking up valuable space that I really can't spare! It shows it's destructive nature when I realize how unproductive I've been in other areas of my life!
I become overly tired, distracted, forgetful, short tempered, and suffer from general air-headedness (I'm on a roll with made-up words today). It's utterly ridiculous that I become so concerned with something that, in the long run, really doesn't matter. This is a lesson I learned some time ago, but often have to be reminded of it. Can you relate? I have several friends who have no idea what this feels like and I envy them. My husband is one who doesn't have a worry in the world if, for some unknown reason, someone decides to say something against him or verbally attack him or just doesn't like him. It's not even a blip on his emotional radar! And he can't understand my emotional response of not being liked by everyone. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm a little crazy - but he loves me anyway - thank goodness!
We're all wired differently, but we are all called to the same Love. In chapter 2 of Peter's First letter, there is a warning, "Be careful how you live among your unbelieving neighbors...." 1 Peter 2:12, followed shortly by the encouraging words above from verse 15. While I do believe that it is in my nature, the way my hormones & wiring & thinking are naturally, to want to be liked; it is also greatly influenced by this world's pressure to be accepted, part of the crowd, a follower of 'the norm' rather than a follower of "The Way". Wanting to be liked by everyone is akin to keeping up with the Jones'!
So, when I notice my worldly nature eating at my happiness and productivity I check in with my heart, where the Holy Spirit dwells. I search what I know to be truthful - God's truth that love and acceptance from Him is the only thing that matters. That what some person says about me or how they treat me is not for me to judge or worry about. God calls me to love my neighbor as myself and leave the rest to Him. He promises that, "Even if they accuse you of doing wrong, they will see your honorable behavior, and they will believe and give honor to God when he comes to judge the world." 1 Peter 2:12b.
Lord knows I've said and done some pretty stupid things, certainly any one of them would be reason enough to discount me as your new friend. But, as best as I am capable, I strive to live as Christ wants me to live. All I can do is leave the rest to God! Last year during "My One Word" I chose to work on being a "warrior" rather than a "worrier" (perhaps you've noticed that word under my name?). Well, I can't say that it has been a remarkable year in making me a "Warrior" for Christ, but I continue to move from worrier to warrior, with God's continued reminders and help. God doesn't always do BIG things, He is found in the tiniest details and small moments, whispering words of love & encouragement. God is bigger than any problem we may face, but He also is walking along side us, indwelling our hearts, never leaving us for a moment.
I'd love to hear your reaction to or part of what you discovered in your S.O.A.K. of 1 Peter, chapter 2. Go to the blog to jot down your thoughts in the Comment section.
Your Partner in Ministry,
"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24
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