Friday, September 4, 2015

The Girl's Still Got It! aka TGSGI!

"Then Naomi heard in Moab that the Lord had blessed his people in Judah by giving them good crops again.  So Naomi and her daughters-in-law got ready to leave Moab to return to her homeland."  
Ruth 1:6

If you have or know of school aged children, this week was an exciting (hopefully) week!  Back-to-school!  In most cases the children are returning to both the familiar and the unfamiliar.  They are often returning to a school building they know and will know some kids in their class.  But they will also have new kids in their class, a new teacher and new expectations.  If you've ever relocated over the summer, you & your children have had the experience of back-to-school where everything is new!

So it is in our story of Ruth and Naomi.  Naomi has been living 'out of town' for a long time; she is "returning to her homeland", but some things will be different.  Ruth & Orpah, the dutiful daughters-in-law, start to go with her.  Guessing that the prospect of a whole new life is a bit overwhelming for Orpah, she takes the opportunity Naomi offers and returns to Moab.  Ruth, however sticks around.  Her passionate words are found in Ruth 1:16-17.

Looking at just this experience of returning (Naomi) and going (Ruth) to Judah, ask yourself how you would feel in each character's place?  When was the last time you returned to a "place" (this could also be a situation, person, idea) from which you had a long absence.
Have you ever had to pick up and move to a whole new "place" (again, this could be forming new relationships, meeting new challenges, etc)?
How did that make you feel in each of these situations?  Perhaps you are in the midst of this right now, can you describe your thoughts & emotions?

Now that you've put yourself in Naomi's sandals and Ruth's sandals, I hope you have a stronger connections to these women.  Yes, these two women lived a long time ago, in a very different time & place.  But, we have much in common with them and I hope you are starting to feel it!

I'm so excited to get together with you to talk about all of this!!  I wish we could meet for half the day!  Alas, that is not possible.  So, come here and type your comments, insights, & questions.  We can begin or continue conversations right here on-line!

Read "Before We Dive In" and "Chapter One" of The Girl's Still Got It, prior to our first meeting!  Take a few notes and jot down your thoughts & answers to the questions in the Study Guide in the back of the book.

I'll see you in ONE WEEK!!!   In person or on-line, I cannot wait!

Friday, September 11 at 9:15 am!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body."  Proverbs 16:24

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