Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 9 Encouragement

"What if what we're frantically seeking in the 'next thing' can be found only in the rests with Him between the beats?"  Rachel Olsen, INS, chapter 9

Thank you for being with me in this book and on this journey!  I am SO glad you are here :)

Once again, it's as if Rachel Olsen has been following me around for years!  I have so many "yes!", "me too!" and underlines in my book, it's ridiculous.  I am learning a lot about myself and my faith!  I hope you are, too :)

I am not one to skimp on my sleep (I usually have the opposite problem!), so being told rest is important is hardly a lesson I need to learn; but Rachel talks about rest in another way.   She puts forth the idea of rest as an act of trust (there's that word again) and worship.  That gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'beauty rest'!

I am starting to come to the realization that I may be getting enough sleep, but I'm not sure that I'm getting enough Rest.  I do not often 'rest in the Lord' or 'wait on the Lord' like I should.  My rest is usually a recovery from the day's work (as evidenced by my falling asleep shortly after sitting on the sofa in the evening).  Perhaps, what I need to learn at this time in my life is that my rest is fuel for what God has called me to do.  Whether it's raising my children, being a loving wife, making a happy home, or serving my church & community, I need to tune in to what Rachel says is the "sacred rhythm of rest, rise, work rather than rise, work, rest" (INS, p.177).

How about you you?  What is this chapter saying to you?  Share your thoughts in the Comment section!  I am especially excited to hear your response to Romans 14 in question 3.

May you be blessed with transforming rest.

Your Partner in Ministry,

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