Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Encouragement for Chapter 7 of INS

"Faith is more caught than taught."  from Pastor Tom Kildea's sermon on February 10, 2013

Sunday was Transfiguration Sunday and I'm so happy that my schedule allowed me to attend church!  The transfiguration of Jesus is a mystical event!  The modern church often shies away from the mystic part of our faith, so I love the opportunity to celebrate it!  The thing is, we are drawn to the mystical; despite the fear it can bring, it makes us tingle, and we want to hold on to that feeling, just like Peter, John, and James in Luke 9:28.  The amazing thing about our belief in Christ is that
"...all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more." 2 Cor 3:18.  As Pastor Tom said in his sermon, 'intimate, deep contact with God changes you - you shine!'

So, you're asking, what does this have to do with Revealing the Secret of Perfection in God's Eyes?  When we read Jesus' definition of perfect in Matt 5:43-48, we understand that perfection comes when we 'love our enemies' and 'pray for those who persecute us'.  When we stop being so concerned with 'self' and turn our eyes to God, adjust our attitude from trying to do everything our way and allow God to work his divine plan in and through us, then we will be 'perfect'.  It takes practice and belief that a mystical transformation can occur in us, through the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3:16-18).

If we can be transformed into perfection by spending time with God, by turning our eyes on Jesus, by proclaiming "Our God is an awesome God!" then why do we resist?  Rachel talks about this on page 136.  I agree with her observation that we have been 'conditioned  to earn our way, perform correctly, to make no mistakes' -' we are performance-based' and judge ourselves & others from this perspective.  This climate of competition is everywhere - it is an attitude that is both Caught & Taught!  When it's this pervasive, it's hard to resist.   Just this week I found Valentine's Day cards for 'competitive' couples and heard a school board & the public talk about giving students a 'competitive edge' by implementing full day kindergarten.  Competition begins at an early age and is found in every aspect of our lives, even Love!  No wonder we have such a difficult time embracing Jesus' perspective of grace-based love (pg 136).

As you spend time in this chapter, Scripture, and examination of yourself (through the questions) I hope you will begin to shine!  Leave your idea of perfect at the foot of the cross and embrace Jesus' perfection.  Teach your children, friends & family about True Perfection and allow faith to be 'caught' by those around you because of how you live!

Come to the blog and comment on Perfection & Competition and how it effects your life.  How are you allowing God to transform you?

If you were not able to attend services this past Sunday or would like to hear Pastor's Tom sermon, click on the link to Redeemer Lutheran Church, on the right.  You will be directed to Redeemer's website, click on Sermon Audio under the Worship tab, and choose February 10, 2013.  Some of the songs we sang were "How can I Keep from Singing", "Awesome God", Shine, Jesus, Shine", and "Give Thanks".  May they inspire and uplift you, as they do me!

Your Partner in Ministry,


"Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body." Proverbs 16:24

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