Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 6 of INS - Chapter 7 - Adjust Your Scale

"... let us stop just saying we love each other; let us really show it by our actions.  It is by our actions that we know we are living in the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before the Lord, even if our hearts condemn us."  1 John 3:18-20

CONGRATULATIONS!!!  We have reached the half-way point of our Bible study!  There are 12 chapters and this week we are on chapter 7.  So, take a moment to pat yourself on the back :)  It takes real effort to choose to set time aside in our busy schedules for Bible study.  But, as I'm sure we're realizing, spending time with God is so worth it - for ourselves, our families, and our spirits!

While you're taking time to give yourself an "atta-girl", won't you come to the blog and comment on how spending time in Scripture and study has impacted your life, so far.? Sharing your faith journey will inspire someone!  And I would love to read how you're doing :)

Wow!  Chapter 7 is the most underlined chapter in my book!  It's as if Rachel has been listening in on my thoughts and following my life for, well, let's just say for a really long time.  This chapter cuts deep for me and I know I'll have to revisit it several times this week.

Over the years I have observed that, like the flight-or-fight response to fear, there are 2 responses to perfectionism, the fast (fight)-or-frozen (flight).  There is the perfectionist who is motivated to get everything done (her way).  And because she has so much to do, she's usually that high energy person who moves with the swiftness of swallows. As a result her clothes, hair, home, children, and any project she does has an appearance of being perfect.  Then there's the perfectionist who is frozen by the tasks in front of her because she is afraid that she can't do them to perfection.  In thinking she can't live up to her ideal of how these things should be, she decides to not even try.  She allows herself to get distracted, so that, when she falls short of her perfect image, she has a valid excuse.  The outside world probably doesn't even know she's a perfectionist; but it eats away at her inside.

Do you see yourself in either of these descriptions?  Maybe just a little or in only one area of your life?  Or perhaps you share your life with someone like this?  If your answer is 'yes' to any of these questions, then let me encourage you to keep reading!  Chapter 7 is just for you (and me).  I take comfort in Rachel's reminder that "No person in between the sacred pages - saint or sinner - was perfect, except for Jesus." (INS, pg 133). 

There is so much I want to say about this chapter, but not in one post; it would be way too long!  So, I will be back throughout the week, posting more about what it means to be "... perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.",  Matthew 5:48, and how that ties into the Scripture at the beginning of this post.

If you'd like a schedule for this week, here's what I suggest:

Monday - Read chapter 7.  Share your response to the chapter on the blog and/or post how your faith journey has been impacted through regular study & Scripture time.

Tuesday - Question #1.  This requires some true honesty with yourself.  Take your time and enjoy discovering something about yourself.

Wednesday - Questions #2 & #3 and check the blog!  Read, respond, ask questions, and share.  The blog is our connection to the community of Re:

Thursday - Question #4.  Have your read the story of Jonah as an adult?  Here's your chance to read and respond to his story.

May you have a beautiful week, filled with peace and love.

Your Partner in Ministry,


"We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps."  Proverbs 16:9

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